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Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools

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Engage Minds, Limit Screens

Middle and High School Cell Phone Rules 2024-25

For the 2024-25 school year, school and district administration will implement the following school-based rules regarding cell phones:

  • Middle Schools: All four middle schools will move to ‘away for the day’ cell phone expectations. While students may bring a phone to school, they will not be able to have the phone during the instructional day. Phones will remain in students’ lockers throughout the day.
    • Exceptions will be made for students with a documented medical plan requiring access to these devices. 
  • Carrboro High School, Chapel Hill High School and East Chapel Hill High School: Traditional/comprehensive high schools will allow electronic devices, but they must be turned off/silenced and stored out of sight at the beginning of each class period, and they are to remain this way until the bell rings for class to be dismissed.
    • With teacher permission, during non-instructional time, students can access their devices responsibly, such as a quick check of messages, school-related apps and medical reasons.
  • Phoenix Academy High School: As has been the case for multiple years, students will turn in cell phones to the main office upon entering the building. Phones are then returned at the end of the day.


  • Studies have been done regarding the negative impact of cell phone use in schools, including distraction, cyberbullying, academic dishonesty, social isolation, physical health issues, sleep disruption, privacy concerns, reduced physical activity and addiction.
  • Current CHCCS Policy Code: 4318 Use of Wireless Communication Devices states, “Teachers and administrators may regulate the use of wireless devices by students to ensure the integrity of the instructional environment and a positive, safe, and healthy school environment.”
  • CHCCS Middle Schools had different phone policies in effect last year, while no CHCCS High Schools had cell phone use expectations fully implemented. These rules and expectations will be the first time that every one of our secondary schools has something in place consistently across all schools.

Additional Information:

  • District and school leadership, including input from principals and teachers, developed these plans for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.
  • This is not a ban, nor is it a change to CHCCS Policy. These are rules and expectations. School and district administration can expect challenges, and should view the process as continuous and likely to require refinement throughout the school year.

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