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CHCCS Honors Staff at Annual Recognition Celebration
Roxana Rojas of Seawell Elementary was named the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS) Teacher of the Year at its annual Recognition Celebration on May 9.
To see the Recognition Celebration video, click here.
Rojas is a Kindergarten teacher with eight years of teaching experience. She holds an associate’s degree in early childhood education from Alamance Community College, a bachelor’s degree in birth to Kindergarten education from Greensboro College and a master’s degree in education from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is the school’s Kindergarten representative on the School Improvement Team and is the school’s equity coach.
“It is a huge honor. I am so deeply proud of this,” Rojas said in her acceptance speech. “I came to the United States when I was 5 years old and struggled so much in school, and as I was growing up I wanted to be the change for other students. And here in Chapel Hill I not only found my voice, I found so much more power in what I can do for my community, for my students and for everyone who’s involved.”
Rojas received a $1,000 check from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public School Foundation (PSF).
Two Honor Teachers (District Teacher of the Year finalists) were also recognized on Thursday. They are:
- Raquel Harris, creative writing and English language arts teacher, Carrboro High
- Linda Kroger, seventh grade English language arts teacher, Culbreth Middle
They each received a $500 check from PSF.
All school-based Teachers of the Year were recognized with $100 checks from PSF. They are:
- Jessica Bigelow, second grade teacher, Carrboro Elementary
- Kara O’Dor, second grade teacher, Ephesus Elementary
- Kathy Thompson, second grade teacher, Estes Hills Elementary
- Rody Huertas, music teacher, FPG Bilingüe Elementary
- Shaniece Robinson, fourth grade teacher, Glenwood Elementary
- Gabriella La Mantia, second grade teacher, McDougle Elementary
- Stephanie Wittmann, third grade teacher, Morris Grove Elementary
- Matthew Russell, physical education/healthful living teacher, Northside Elementary
- Kathryn Rubish, first grade teacher, Rashkis Elementary
- Kaitlin Braz, third grade teacher, Scroggs Elementary
- Shorna Smith-Treasure, science teacher, McDougle Middle
- Evie O’Dor, art teacher, Phillips Middle
- LaTekka Lewis, sixth and seventh grade science teacher, Smith Middle
- Kadie Ondrus, biology teacher, Project Lead the Way (PLTW), Chapel Hill High
- Jay Wilson, math teacher, East Chapel Hill High
- Lawre Doughton, social studies teacher, Phoenix Academy High
The Mary Scroggs Award for Excellence in Providing Support Services recognizes a classified (hourly) staff member from each school and several Lincoln Center departments. This year, the district award committee’s vote ended in a tie between two finalists. Lonnie Hatley, a bus driver with the Transportation Department and Robin Nucilli, a communications specialist in the Communications Division at Lincoln Center were named the award recipients. They each received a $1,000 check.
One Honor Recipient (award finalist) who received $500 was also recognized:
Mayra Menjivar, a teacher assistant at Carrboro Elementary
Additional Classified Staff of the Year, who each received $100, are:
- Keona Foushee, receptionist, Ephesus Elementary
- Mirrani Houpe, teacher assistant, Estes Hills Elementary
- Aiderling Antequera, teacher assistant, FPG Bilingüe Elementary
- Ivette Mercado, bookkeeper, Glenwood Elementary
- Gina Lacava, teacher assistant, McDougle Elementary
- Kate Celauro, teacher assistant, Morris Grove Elementary
- Kassidy Plummer, teacher assistant, Northside Elementary
- Munirih Salazar-Centella, teacher assistant, Rashkis Elementary
- Natasha Cross, teacher assistant, Scroggs Elementary
- Anthony Daniels, teacher assistant, Seawell Elementary
- Ker Htoo, receptionist, Culbreth Middle
- Jeannine Brinkman, media assistant, McDougle Middle
- Paw Yeh, custodian, Phillips Middle
- Kurt Gurley, school resource officer, Smith Middle
- Lillian Martinez, administrative assistant to the principal, Carrboro High
- Terésa Sloan, secretary, Chapel Hill High
- Dora Diaz-Flores, custodian, East Chapel Hill High
- Aaliyah King, data manager/bookkeeper/receptionist, Phoenix Academy High
- Andrew Scercy, lead IT support specialist, Information Technology Department, Lincoln Center
- Jake Jordan, plumbing foreman, Facilities and Maintenance Department, Lincoln Center
- Elisabeth Suttee, bookkeeper/after-school site director, Community Schools, Lincoln Center
The School Support and Wellness (SSW) Employee of the Year Award recipient is Becky Brown, the school counselor at FPG Bilingüe Elementary. She also received a check for $500.
The two Honor Recipients who each received $250 are:
- Malissa Bailey, school psychologist at East Chapel Hill High
- Paige Clarke, mental health specialist at McDougle Elementary
Additional SSW Staff of the Year, who each received $100, are:
- Kathryn Harrison, school social worker, Carrboro Elementary
- Emily Snapper, school nurse, Ephesus Elementary
- Evan Overton, school nurse, Estes Hills Elementary
- Patty Moore, school social worker, Glenwood Elementary
- Emily Avetta, school psychologist, Morris Grove Elementary
- Ronetta Walker, social emotional learning specialist, Northside Elementary
- Ashanti Keitt, school social worker, Rashkis Elementary
- Cecily Lindsey, school nurse, Scroggs Elementary
- Eileen Stough, school nurse, Seawell Elementary
- Megan Grimes, restorative practices coach, Culbreth Middle
- Sarah Morales, school counselor, McDougle Middle
- Haley Spurlin, school counselor, Phillips Middle
- Leigh Ann Dasher, school nurse, Smith Middle
- Gwen Roulhac, testing coordinator, Carrboro High
- Lorraine Bleeke, school nurse, Chapel Hill High
- Jessica Wallace, school counselor, Phoenix Academy High
Additional staff awards were also presented at the event.
Tiffany Cheshire of Phillips Middle was recognized as the district's Principal of the Year, while Shelba Levins of Chapel Hill High was named the district's Assistant Principal of the Year.
Noa Stuchiner, director of elementary math and science in the Instructional Services, Equity and Engagement Division, Lincoln Center received the Award for Excellence in District Administration.
Ashley Lang of McDougle Middle was the recipient of the Jeanette Blackwell Mentor Teacher Award. Lauren Oliver of Culbreth Middle received the PSF Promising New Teacher Award. Camila Morales of FPG Bilingüe Elementary was awarded the Award for Excellence in Teaching Multi-Language Learners. PSF introduced one new teacher award this year: Robin Bulleri of Carrboro High was awarded the Margaret Kepner Distinguished Service Award.
The EC Support Staff Award was given to Stephanie Thurber, School Support and Wellness Division, Lincoln Center. The Instructional Support Award was given to Dana McCullum, Human Resources Division, Lincoln Center.
The Chapel Hill-Carrboro Association of Educators (CHCAE) presented two awards this year to CHCAE members. Kristin Baillie of FPG Bilingüe Elementary received the Courageous Educator Award and Mary Alicia Lyons of Morris Grove Elementary was the recipient of the Consummate Professional Award.
The Blue Ribbon Mentor-Advocate (BRMA) program presented the Excellence in Equity Award to Joanne McClelland from Chapel Hill High. This award is selected by the students in BRMA.
Representatives of PSF were on hand to present both new and renewing Teaching Chairs. New Chairs are:
- Lauren Oliver of Culbreth Middle is the Sterling and Anita Hennis Chair for Promising New Secondary Teachers of English Language Arts or Social Studies
- Austin Tortorici of Phillips Middle is the GlaxoSmithKline Chair for Excellence in Teaching Middle School Science or Math
- Patricia Berge of East Chapel Hill High is the Neil Pedersen Teachers First Chair for Excellence in Classroom Technology
- Stefanie Hanne of Phillips Middle is the Mel and Zora Rashkis Chair for Excellence in Teaching Healthful Living and Physical Education
- Laura Harris of Rashkis Elementary is the Sockwell Chair for Excellence in Teaching in the Primary Grades (Pre-K-2)
- William Schrader of Chapel Hill High is the Bernadine Sullivan Chair for Excellence in Teaching High School English or Social Studies
Renewing Chair recipients were also honored. Mary Alicia Lyons of Morris Grove Elementary is the Mary U. Andrews Chair for Excellence in Teaching Literacy. Paula Dey of Carrboro High is the Elmo’s Diner Chair for Excellence in Teaching High School Math or Science. Mary Naylor of Northside Elementary is the Kim Hoke Chair for Excellence in Teaching Exceptional Children. Sheila Fleming of Scroggs Elementary is the PSF/PTSA Chair for Excellence in Teaching Cultural Arts. Susan Meyer of Culbreth Middle is the Zora Rashkis Teaching Chair for Excellence in Teaching World Language. Miles Chappell of Phillips Middle is the Zora Rashkis Teaching Chair for Excellence in Teaching Middle School Language Arts or Social Studies. Molly Kearns of Morris Grove Elementary is the Zora Rashkis Teaching Chair for Promising New Elementary School Teacher. Courtney Byrd of Chapel Hill High is the Burton Stuart Chair for Promising New Teachers of Secondary Math or Science. Jasmine Johnson of Scroggs Elementary is the Upper Elementary Chair for Excellence in Teaching Innovation.
Fourteen educators were recognized for earning their National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. They join the more than 300 other CHCCS teachers who have earned their National Boards. They are: Travis Adkison, Chapel Hill High; Jodi Carle, Rashkis Elementary; Jennifer Craven, Culbreth Middle; Molly Crawford, Carrboro High; Simone Dunphy, Chapel Hill High; Bradley Mitchell, Chapel Hill High; Emily Moorman, Carrboro Elementary; Sarah Morales, McDougle Middle; Ashley Quick-Hooker, Northside Elementary; Katelyn Robertson, Rashkis Elementary; Caroline Santana De Morais, Carrboro High; Madelon Smith, Seawell Elementary; Mary Kathryn Sutherland, Estes Hills Elementary; and Anna Webster, Carrboro Elementary.
Employees retiring from the district this year were recognized, if they chose to be. Those honored are: Lynda Alexander, reading specialist, Phillips Middle; Willie Alston, custodian, Phillips Middle; Patsy Barbee, teacher assistant, Northside Elementary; Ronald Barbee, cafeteria manager, Smith Middle; Boyd Blackburn, math teacher, Smith Middle; Kathi Breweur, director of career and technical education, Instructional Services, Equity and Engagement Division, Lincoln Center; Janet Cherry, director of mental health and wellness, School Support and Wellness Division, Lincoln Center; Rhonda Coleman, first grade teacher, Seawell Elementary; Curtis Crews, business/technology teacher, Chapel Hill High; Sheila Crosland, cafeteria manager, Ephesus Elementary; Deborah Ellis, online learning facilitator, Chapel Hill High; Nick Fitzgerald, math teacher, East Chapel Hill High; Frances Irby Fries, fourth grade teacher, Glenwood Elementary; Carolyn Gilbert, director of student data and research, School Support and Wellness Division, Lincoln Center; Lionel Giordani, EC teacher assistant, Estes Hills Elementary; Laura Gondek, first grade teacher, Northside Elementary; Calvin Hooker, executive director of human resources operations, Human Resources Division, Lincoln Center; Lillian Loftin-Bell, first grade teacher, Northside Elementary; Marty Martindale, bus driver, Transportation Department; Sandra McAdoo, EC teacher, Chapel Hill High; Anissa McLendon, teacher assistant, Rashkis Elementary; Sam McPherson, plumber technician, Facilities and Maintenance Department, Lincoln Center; Theresa Menz, speech-language pathologist, Scroggs Elementary; Kimberly Newman, math teacher, Chapel Hill High; Hunter Pendleton, instructional technology facilitator, Estes Hills Elementary; Amy Doyle Porter, EC teacher assistant, McDougle Elementary; Frank Riggsbee, EC teacher assistant, Chapel Hill High; Latha Sabesan, Kindergarten teacher, Scroggs Elementary; John Tate, EC teacher assistant, Seawell Elementary; Angela Tobon, teacher assistant, FPG Bilingüe Elementary; Roger Valente, interventionist, Estes Hills Elementary; and Bernadine Williams, EC resource teacher, Chapel Hill High.
Employees were also honored for attaining milestones of service with CHCCS. Natalie Faircloth of McDougle Elementary was honored for 35 years of service. Those honored for 30 years of service are: Toni De Marco, Morris Grove Elementary; Carla Gilchrist, Glenwood Elementary; Sharon Henley, Morris Grove Elementary; and Suzanne Stokes, Morris Grove Elementary.
Employees with 25 years of service included: Laila Bradford, IT Department, Lincoln Center; Marla Brown, McDougle Elementary; Catherine Chianese, Estes Hills Elementary; Jason Curtis, Chapel Hill High; Tracey Farrar, East Chapel Hill High; Sheila Fleming, Scroggs Elementary; Jerri Humphries, Chapel Hill High; Michael Irwin, Chapel Hill High; Kathleen Laufer, East Chapel Hill High; Barbara Link, Culbreth Middle; Issac Marsh, Chapel Hill High; Carole Peck, Seawell Elementary; Angela Redd, Estes Hills Elementary; Karen Sanders, East Chapel Hill High; and Roy Smith, Phillips Middle.
Employees with 20 years of service included: Sarawan Anbar, Estes Hills Elementary; Tricia Billy, Scroggs Elementary; Davis Boyle, Chapel Hill High; Sandra Brooks, Smith Middle; Gina Chapman, Smith Middle; Kristen Cho, Glenwood Elementary; Sharla Coleman, Estes Hills Elementary; Latoya Covington, Morris Grove Elementary; Susan Crammer, Chapel Hill High; Cheryl Cureton, Culbreth Middle; Cheresa Dumas, Transportation Department; Kristina Dunn, McDougle Elementary; Deborah Ellis, Chapel Hill High; Julie Ann Evans, Rashkis Elementary; Sheryl Finegan, McDougle Middle; Jennifer Hoffman, East Chapel Hill High; Cheryl Johnson, Pre-K/Head Start; Kathryn Kennedy, Instructional Services, Equity and Engagement Division, Lincoln Center; Seamus Kenney, Smith Middle; Dominic Koplar, East Chapel Hill High; Brenda McNeely-Allen, East Chapel Hill High; Aaron McRae, Carrboro Elementary; Sarah Michaels, Northside Elementary; Karen Mitchell, Morris Grove Elementary; Cristin Najera, Rashkis Elementary; Dennis Norris, Chapel Hill High; Darrell Parker, East Chapel Hill High; Stuart Phillips, Communications Division, Lincoln Center; Flor Ramirez, FPG Bilingüe Elementary; Robyn Riffe, Carrboro Elementary; Courtney Sears, Ephesus Elementary; Kelly Sears, Smith Middle; Rochell Selvey, Business and Financial Services Division, Lincoln Center; Coretta Sharpless, Northside Elementary; Erin Shindledecker, East Chapel Hill High; Matthew Sleeman, Phillips Middle and Smith Middle; and Angela Snider, Morris Grove Elementary.
CHCCS also recognized its employees with five, 10 and 15 years of service.
Employees with 15 years of service included: Christopher Blount, Phillips Middle; Robin Brown, Transportation Department; Miles Chappell, Phillips Middle; Curtis Crews, Chapel Hill High; Candace Currin, Glenwood Elementary; ChaCoby Dickerson, Pre-K/Head Start; Aydee Evans, Carrboro Elementary; Fatima Fedda, Morris Grove Elementary; William Giblin, Culbreth Middle; Jillian Grimm, Phillips Middle; Glynn Hackney, Estes Hills Elementary; Kimberly Hatcher, Estes Hills Elementary; John Hite, Carrboro High; Jason Horton, Carrboro High; Thweet Htoo, Carrboro High; Lois Jarrell, Morris Grove Elementary; Meghan Leonard, Northside Elementary; Katy McGovern, McDougle Elementary; Heather Miller, Pre-K/Head Start; Crystal Mitchell, McDougle Elementary; Leigh Owens, Rashkis Elementary; Brenda Paylor, Carrboro Elementary; Kristen Perone, Scroggs Elementary; Marivel Pineda, Pre-K/Head Start; Lorena Pineda-Cabral, Morris Grove Elementary; Mark Rogerson, Carrboro High; Alexandra Romero Sarmiento, Carrboro Elementary; Karen Scher, McDougle Elementary; Peter Schwartz, Culbreth Middle; Rebecca Springer, Morris Grove Elementary; Cally Stanford, Glenwood Elementary; Michele Stansbury, FPG Bilingüe Elementary; Brett Stegall, Carrboro High; Scarlett Steinert, Instructional Services, Equity and Engagement Division, Lincoln Center; Megan Stevenson, Culbreth Middle; Stephanie Wittmann, Morris Grove Elementary; and Tiarra Yoesoep, Northside Elementary.
Employees with 10 years of service included: Abdullah Amir Hussain, Morris Grove Elementary; Helen Atkins, Instructional Services, Equity and Engagement Division, Lincoln Center; Tameka Bagley, Northside Elementary; Temale Batts, Pre-K/Head Start; Stefanie Bell, Seawell Elementary; Amanda Brady, FPG Bilingüe Elementary; Yelipza Carreno Cuellar, FPG Bilingüe Elementary; Rodney Carter, Exceptional Education Department, Lincoln Center; Javier Cid, Smith Middle; Jaimee Comellas, FPG Bilingüe Elementary; Marisela Davogustto, FPG Bilingüe Elementary; Jennifer DiGiovanna, Carrboro Elementary; Jeanette Dixon, Scroggs Elementary; Molly Dunham, Smith Middle; Tammie Eddins, Instructional Services, Equity and Engagement Division, Lincoln Center; Kelly Fields, Scroggs Elementary; Cynthia Greenert, Scroggs Elementary; Ciaran Harris, Seawell Elementary; Michelle Hoover, Rashkis Elementary; Ryan Horton, Chapel Hill High; Valerie Huet de Perez, East Chapel Hill High; Regina Hurt, Seawell Elementary; Jasmine Johnson, Scroggs Elementary; Amber Jones, Seawell Elementary; Bonita Joyce, Scroggs Elementary; Kenneth Kingsberry, Chapel Hill High; Stefan Klakovich, Carrboro High; Jonathan Kucewicz, McDougle Middle; Janet Lawrence, Morris Grove Elementary; Stefanie Mazva-Cohen, Culbreth Middle; Dana McCullum, Human Resources Division, Lincoln Center; Suzanne McNulty, Glenwood Elementary; Jennifer Michalenok, School Support and Wellness Division, Lincoln Center; Raymond Miles, Carrboro Elementary; Valerie Minogue, McDougle Elementary; Jaydee Moore, Carrboro Elementary; Kathryn Murchison, Chapel Hill High; Sonja Nelson, Scroggs Elementary; Christine Parker, Pre-K/Head Start; Daila Patrick, Northside Elementary; Tequila Powell, Northside Elementary; Robert Price, Chapel Hill High; Patrick Pudlo, East Chapel Hill High; Ashley Quick-Hooker, Northside Elementary; Melvin Rosales Nunez, Operations Division, Lincoln Center; Manuel Salas, Facilities and Maintenance Department, Lincoln Center; Pamela Shiers, Ephesus Elementary; Rachel Sivalia, Rashkis Elementary; Jackie Barros Smith, FPG Bilingüe Elementary; Leigh Stratton-Sharp, Seawell Elementary; Danielle Sutton, Human Resources Division, Lincoln Center; Anthony Swaringen, Carrboro High; John Taylor, Facilities and Maintenance Department, Lincoln Center; Rodney Trice, Instructional Services, Equity and Engagement Division, Lincoln Center; Elizabeth Vail, Instructional Services, Equity and Engagement Division, Lincoln Center; Justin Van Gelder, Scroggs Elementary; Jacqueline Van Hoewyk, Carrboro High; Leah Waldrop, Rashkis Elementary; Zaida Walker, Instructional Services, Equity and Engagement Division, Lincoln Center; Sarah Whitley, Carrboro High; Wendy York, Culbreth Middle; and Bahram Yousefi, Carrboro High.
Employees with five years of service included: Seema Anand, Culbreth Middle; Eva Marie Andruejol, Carrboro High; Thinn Thinn Aye, Morris Grove Elementary; Molly Biek, Northside Elementary; Antovia Boone, Northside Elementary; Lenore Bridges, Chapel Hill High; Thomas Britton, School Support and Wellness Division, Lincoln Center; Nyesha Brooks, Morris Grove Elementary; Sara Brown, Carrboro Elementary; Shanna Bryant, Morris Grove Elementary; Mohsen Bshay, Phillips Middle; Rebecca Cartnail, McDougle Elementary; Jessica Clemente, FPG Bilingüe Elementary; LaTonya Coley, Carrboro High; Evelin Coronado Valladares, Chapel Hill High; Angelica Cuany, McDougle Middle; Irvin Cunningham, Carrboro High; Cassandra Davis, Pre-K/Head Start; Juliann Dean, East Chapel Hill High; Carrie Dixon, FPG Bilingüe Elementary; Kendra Dixon, UNC Hospital School; Matthew Dixon, Culbreth Middle; Lisa Dunn, Carrboro Elementary; Katie Eaton, Chapel Hill High; Stephen Efird, Ephesus Elementary; Ashraf Ekladious, Rashkis Elementary; Paul Estrada, Chapel Hill High; Kelly Foster, Estes Hills Elementary; Marcy Foster, Estes Hills Elementary; Keona Foushee, Ephesus Elementary; Keri Frank, McDougle Middle; Ashley Freuler, Carrboro High; Samantha Fry, Smith Middle; Markeith Gary, Culbreth Middle; Shekita Gillis, Transportation Department; Lionel Giordani, Estes Hills Elementary; Melissa Graham, Culbreth Middle; Marcus Green, UNC Hospital School; Matthew Harkey, Carrboro High; Courtney Hart, Ephesus Elementary; Aurek Herbin, Transportation Department; Aisha Howard, School Leadership Division, Lincoln Center; Mariana Huer, FPG Bilingüe Elementary; David Ingram, East Chapel Hill High; Tracy Jessee, Chapel Hill High; Katherine Jordan, Exceptional Education Department, Lincoln Center; Edie Kahn, Seawell Elementary; Anthony Kajencki, Carrboro High; Jima Karlen, Rashkis Elementary; Linda Keller, Glenwood Elementary; Emily Kleinhenz, Culbreth Middle; Rachel Kline, McDougle Elementary; Momodu Koroma, Phoenix Academy High; Hser Ku, Carrboro Elementary; Ryan Kulikowski, Phoenix Academy High; Madeline Maldonado, FPG Bilingüe Elementary; Monica Martinez Vargas, FPG Bilingüe Elementary; Jerrod McConnell, Carrboro High; Thomas McCormack, Safe Schools Department, Lincoln Center; Adrianne McKinney, Transportation Department; Rosa Mendis Cruz, Smith Middle; Htun Min, FPG Bilingüe Elementary; Charles Moore, Transportation Department; Neal Morgan, East Chapel Hill High; Beritah Mutiso, Smith Middle; Tori Neal, Smith Middle; Bradley Nemitz, East Chapel Hill High; Robin Neville, Smith Middle; Lewis Newman, Chapel Hill High; Victor Obende, IT Department, Lincoln Center; Craig Paul, Smith Middle; Lucas Paulsen, Culbreth Middle; Donnis Perry, Phoenix Academy High; Caroline Petrow, McDougle Elementary; Cody Platt, Phillips Middle; Valerie Puhala, Carrboro High; Venicia Pullen, Northside Elementary; Luz Rhi Rivero, Glenwood Elementary; Angelica Rodriguez, McDougle Middle; June Romero, Carrboro Elementary; Nicolas Rubino, Estes Hills Elementary; Taryn Simmons, Human Resources Division, Lincoln Center; Lauren Smith, Phillips Middle; Andrew Tate, Chapel Hill High; Kaylee Treese, UNC Hospital School; Colleen Troullis, Northside Elementary; Gabby Vasquez, FPG Bilingüe Elementary; Timothy Walker, Carrboro High; Jenny Walters, Communications Division, Lincoln Center; Aaron Wark, Chapel Hill High; Stephanie White, Phillips Middle; Quamesha Whitted-Miller, School Support and Wellness Division, Lincoln Center; Mikayla Whitted-Powell, Northside Elementary; Jacqueline Wilder, Estes Hills Elementary; Courtney Wilkos, Rashkis Elementary; Frankie Williams, Carrboro High; and Michael Zito, Transportation Department.
The annual Recognition Celebration is hosted in collaboration with the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public School Foundation (PSF), which partnered with Pinnacle Financial Partners, Rotary Club of Chapel Hill and Jersey Mike’s (Chapel Hill). The collective generosity of the many donors who gave to PSF’s Breakfast and Roses event in April helped fund many of these monetary awards.