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CHCCS Focused on Growth to Proficiency in Latest School Performance Data
The State Board of Education approved the 2022-23 school performance data, and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction released the outcomes on Wednesday, September 6.
- CHCCS is pleased to announce a 94.8% graduation rate, a new record high for the second consecutive year.
- District gains included a 71.1% passing rate on all state exams, the highest in the Triangle.
- 83.3% of CHCCS schools Exceeded or Met Growth expectations.
“We’re proud that our graduation rate increased to yet another new CHCCS record,” said Superintendent Dr. Nyah Hamlett. “It’s a tremendous indicator that our students leave CHCCS on-time, with the skills they need for success at the next level, such as college, the military or the workforce. Our newly developed Portrait of a Graduate will serve as our guide to providing our students PreK through 12th grade the experiences, knowledge and opportunities needed for them to develop competencies to prepare them for life after graduation from CHCCS.”
Dr. Hamlett continued: “Moving forward, we must be intentional about the support provided to our schools and individual students who have additional capacity for growth toward proficiency. As a district, for example, we’ll give schools that exceeded growth the platform to share insights and wisdom across all schools.”
“As leaders, we will focus not just on achievement or proficiency, but also growth. Where was a student at the start of the year, and where was that same student at the end? That’s how we’ll truly know that our targeted strategies for students are generating the results we all want and expect,” said Dr. Hamlett.
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State and Federal accountability programs have been applied to school data since 2017-18. This report includes data from the pre-pandemic 2018-19 year, and the two most recent years 2021-22 and 2022-23. There was no data from the 2019-20 year, and the data from 2020-21 was not used to measure school performance.
- The District had its highest graduation rate ever at 94.8% overall, up from the previous record of 94.5% the year prior, and from 90.9% in 2018-19. The state graduation rate, meanwhile, has hovered near 86.4% since 2018-19.
- The number of schools identified as Technical Support & Improvement (TSI) schools for low performing groups dropped from 12 in 2018-19 to 5 in 2021-22, and to 4 in 2022-23.
Areas for Focus:
- 83.3% of CHCCS schools Exceeded or Met Growth expectations, down from 100% the year prior.
- The proportions of students who achieved grade-level proficiency or greater were down compared to 2018-19 (pre-pandemic), but comparable to the 2021-22 levels.
Student achievement data for the 2022-23 school year are based on analysis of all end-of- grade (EOG) and end-of-course (EOC) tests. The data provide the percentage of students who scored at Level 3 and above (grade level proficiency), at Level 4 and above (college and career readiness) and at each academic achievement level.
School Performance Grades
ESSA has two separate measurement systems: School Performance Grades (SPG) and Long Term Goals and Interim Targets (LTG). School Performance Grades are a combination of achievement in levels 3, 4 or 5 (80%) and growth (20%). Grades for schools are on a 15 point scale: 85+ A, 70-84 B, 55-69 C, 40-54 D, 39 or less F.
- North Carolina (NC): In 2022-23 26.7% of schools statewide earned A’s or B’s, compared to 22.8% in 2021-22, and 37.3% with A’s or B’s in 2018-19.
- Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS): In 2022-23, 66.7% of schools earned an A or B grade, compared to 83.3% in 2021-22, and 94.4% in 2018-19.
- NC: Among NC Schools, 72.3% Met or Exceeded Expected Growth in 2022-23, compared to 70.1% in 2021-22, and 73.3% in 2018-19. Statewide, 28.3% Exceeded growth expectations in 2022-23, as compared to 28.8% in 2021-22, and 27.9% in 2018-19.
- CHCCS: 83.3% of schools Met or Exceeded Growth Expectations in 2022-23, compared to 100% in 2021-22, and 94.4% in 2018-19. 44.4% Exceeded Growth in 2022-23, 63.2% in 2021-22, and 44.4% in 2018-19.
Long Term Goals
The ESSA goals were created from the 2015-16 scores; they differ by school, subject and student group. The goals increase annually by research-determined increments with lower achieving groups having larger increments than higher achieving groups. The scores used for ESSA goals are levels 4 or 5, called “College and Career Ready.”
- NC: For 2022-23, there were 24,956 academic goals for NC Schools; 1,056 or 4.2% were met. In 2021-22, there were 24,758 academic goals for NC Schools; 691 or 2.8% were met. For 2018-19, there were 25,990 academic goals with 3,925 or 15.1% met.
- NC: In 2022-23, 2,118 graduation rate goals with 30.8% met, as compared to 2,109 graduation rate goals with 37.8% met in 2021-22. In 2018-19, there were 2,098 graduation rate goals statewide, with 643 or 30.6% met.
- CHCCS: For 2022-23, there were 228 academic goal targets with 8 or 3.5% met. For 2021-22 there were 207 academic goal targets with 6 or 2.9% met. For 2018-19, there were 248 academic goal targets with 57 or 23.0% met. (Note: targets increase annually using state-defined increments.)
- CHCCS: For 2022-23, there were 21 graduation rate targets with 17 or 81.0% met. For 2021-22 there were 20 graduation rate targets with 11 or 55.0% met. For 2018-19, there were 16 graduation rate goals with 8 or 50% met. (Note: targets increase annually using state-defined increments.)
TSI Statuses
TSI statuses are Federal school identifications for schools who had the same group with an F grade for three consecutive years, or whose group scored below the highest CSI-Low Performing School (TSI - Technical Support & Improvement; CSI - Comprehensive Support & Improvement).
- NC: Statewide, in 2022-23 there were 1,880 schools with a TSI designation, down from 1,932 in 2021-22 and 3,100 in 2018-19. The 2022-23 value represents a reduction of 2.7% from 2021-22 and 39% from 2018-19.
- CHCCS: For 2022-23, there were four schools with a TSI designation, down one from five schools in 2021-22, and 12 schools in 2018-19. The 2022-23 value represents a reduction of 20.0% from 2021-22, and 75.0% from 2018-19.
Graduation Rate
- NC: The graduation rate for 2022-23 for NC was 86.4%, up 0.2 percentage points from the 2021-22 rate of 86.2%. In 2018-19, the rate was 86.5%. Overall, the State graduation rate has shown little change over time.
- CHCCS: The graduation rate for 2022-23 was 94.8%, the highest value to date for CHCCS, and which followed the highest value to date from 2021-22 of 94.5%. The 2018-19 value was 92.8%. The graduation rate in 2022-23 was up 2.0 percentage points from 2018-19.
Strategic Plan Points of Emphasis for 2023-24
- Explore and expand researched practices/strategies to develop tiered support plans based on student needs.
- Recognizing that chronic absenteeism plays a critical role in student achievement, schools will increase their strategic efforts to monitor and support student attendance through school based attendance plans and family engagement learning experiences.
- Expand curriculum alignment across grade levels, subjects, and courses to ensure congruence between district, state, and national content standards.
- Deepen the understanding and implementation of the CHCCS Instructional Framework to support universal core instruction.
- Increase leadership capacity for using the Student Success Platform as a tool for monitoring progress in the areas of academics, attendance and behavior for early intervention planning to improve student outcomes.