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Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools

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Homebound Policy & Overview

HCCS Policy 3136: Homebound and Hospital Instruction 


Program Eligibility

Any student who is expected to be confined for four (4) weeks or longer at home for medical or psychological treatment, for a period of recuperation, or for temporary placement by an IEP Committee with district administrative approval.

Program Objective

The primary objective of Homebound instruction is to provide instructional services so that the student can return to school with the knowledge and skills sufficient to resume previous academic programming.  It is not intended to fully replace the regular education program.

Homebound Priorities

Homebound placement requires medical documentation from the primary provider of the diagnosis (surgeon, oncologist, etc.) requiring homebound.  Homebound placement for mental health requires medical documentation from the mental health provider (psychiatrist, psychologist, licensed therapist, etc.)  Some of the many indications for Homebound instruction include:

  • accidents or injuries
  • surgery
  • extended illness
  • pregnancy
  • mental health
  • Exceptional Children's program placement

Amount of Service

Homebound instruction lasts a minimum of four weeks.  It provides up to 4 hours of instruction per week to support the core courses of instruction (Math, English, Science, and History) depending on the needs and physical stamina of the student and as determined by the IEP team if applicable.