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Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools

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Teacher Support Programs

  • Novice Teacher Orientation

    A three-day paid orientation is provided for all first-year teachers prior to the opening of school. This program engages novice teachers with district staff and resources as they acclimate to their roles. In addition to receiving information on district and state policies related to the Beginning Teahcer Support Program (BTSP), professional learning is provided in instruction, family engagement, working with diverse learners, the MTSS process, and developing equity-centered classrooms. Designed to give novice teachers a "head start" on the first year of teaching, novice teachers receive 3 days of additional pay for their participation.

    New Teacher Orientation

    All newly employed teachers participate in a half-day district orientation. Experienced teachers have the option of participating in a district-wide support group for newly employed, experienced teachers.

    Beginning Teacher Professional Learning 

    Beginning teachers engage in ongoing professional learning opportunities and support groups each month,  focusing on issues/topics of significance to those new to the profession. Professional development is specifically designed to meet the growing needs of teachers in their first 3 years, growing capacity in classroom leadership, equity, pedagogical practices, and differentiation.  With an important emphasis on mental health, self-care workshops and social events are an essential component of the program.  

    Mentoring Program

    The district offers a strong mentoring program with one-on-one mentors provided for all Beginning Teachers (those in their first 3 years of teaching). To be eligible to serve as a mentors, teachers must hold a Continuing Professional License (CPL) and have completed mentor training. 


    Peer Assistance and Consulting Program

    In addition to the traditional mentoring program, the district offers a Peer Assistance & Consulting Program which provides two experienced teachers to work one on one with both beginning and experienced teachers requesting additional support.


    Support for National Board Certification

    CHCCS is proud to have over 200 National Board Certified Teachers! 

    The district hosts an annual National Board Certification information session for all teachers who are interested in seeking their initial National Board Certification. Educators who are considering the journey toward National Board Certification can learn more about this prestigious certification process at and at  For more information about how CHCCS can support your pursuit of NB certification, contact the Office of Professional Learning at