For more than 50 years our nation has honored teachers with the National Teacher of the Year Program . The National Teacher of the Year Program, sponsored by the Voya Financial, Inc., is a project of the Council of Chief State School Officers. Since 1970, North Carolina has participated in this program recognizing outstanding teachers.
In 2013, the NC Department of Public Instruction announced their partnership with Burroughs Wellcome Fund as the new major sponsor of the North Carolina Teacher of the Year Program. The Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF) is an independent private foundation dedicated to advancing the biomedical sciences by supporting research and other scientific and educational activities. Within this broad mission, BWF seeks to help scientists early in their careers develop as independent investigators and to advance fields in the biomedical sciences that are undervalued or in need of particular encouragement. BWF was founded in 1955 as the corporate foundation of Burroughs Wellcome Co., the U.S. branch of the Wellcome pharmaceutical enterprise, based in the United Kingdom. In 1993, BWF received a $400 million gift from the Wellcome Trust to become a fully independent foundation.
About the Program
In accordance with national guidelines, North Carolina chooses a candidate who is "dedicated and highly skilled, a candidate proven capable of inspiring students of all backgrounds and abilities to learn." Because the State Teacher of the Year will be asked to travel, speak on behalf of education and demonstrate master teaching skills, the candidate must be poised, articulate, and energetic in order to meet the demanding responsibilities.
The NC Teacher of the Year is recognized at the school, regional, and statewide levels. First, the teacher is chosen to represent their respective school as Teacher of the Year. Similarly, individual public charter schools nominate a Teacher of the Year who participates in a selection process facilitated by the Office of Charter Schools at the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Next, once each school district and the charter school nomination processes are completed, the teacher finalists vie as one of the state’s nine Regional Teachers of the Year. [The state is divided into eight geographical regions and NC Charter Schools are clustered together to form the ninth region of the state. The Charter School Teacher of the Year joins the Regional Teachers of the Year team as a finalist for the state Teacher of the Year]. This selection process is facilitated in each region by Regional Education Facilitators.
After a series of relevant screening activities, the State Teacher of the Year is chosen by a committee consisting of professional educators as well as business and community leaders. The state selection committee members are chosen based on their dynamic public record in support of education. The State Teacher of the Year and the other Regional Finalists form a collaborative network to provide services and support throughout the state on critical issues facing public education. The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and the State Board of Education take pride in celebrating the most innovative and effective public school educators in our state.
CHCCS Teacher of the Year
The CHCCS Teacher of the Year Award was initiated in 1979. The Teacher of the Year program recognizes excellence in teaching in the CHCCS.
A Teacher of the Year represents exemplary performance as a member of the teaching staff for CHCCS. Such performance can be characterized by excellence in the classroom, civic involvement, contributions to the profession of teaching, the possession of positive interpersonal skills and the demonstration of keen interest in the lives of children and youth.
The district’s Teacher of the Year receives a $1,000 cash prize and a plaque. The two honor teachers receive $500, and the remaining teachers receive $100 each. A committee of past recipients, peers, principals and administrators selects the District Teacher of the Year, and the CHCCS Teacher of the Year is announced at the annual Recognition Reception.
2000 Jami Burns
2001 Julia Dermody
2002 Patti Donnelly
2003 Gwendolyn Belcher
2004 Carla Gilchrist
2005 Robin McMahon
2006 Dorothy Works
2007 Jay Wilson III
2008 Shirley Pyon
2009 Briana Corke
2010 Kathryn Baird Eriksen
2011 Takiyah Baptist
2012 Patricia Berge
2013 Kim Mellor
2014 Mike Harris
2015 Kimberly Fearrington
2016 Michael Jones
2017 Jessica Grinnell
2018 Lauren Boening
2019 Jasmine Johnson
2020 Mary Patricia Peres-da-Silva
2021 Eugenia Floyd (North Central Regional Teacher of the Year & North Carolina Teacher of the Year)
2022 Brian Link (North Central Regional Teacher of the Year)
2023 Kimberly Jones (North Central Regional Teacher of the Year & North Carolina Teacher of the Year)
2024 Robert Ballard
2025 Roxana Rojas