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Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools

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Condemning Hate Speech, Bias and Prejudice in our Schools


This page exists to raise the level of awareness about hate speech, bias and prejudice in schools. The resources here are provided to CHCCS staff, but are useful to students and families at home, too.


First, CHCCS condemns hate speech in any form. Bias and prejudice must be confronted and addressed

Here are guides to responding to hate speech in schools. The first resource is from the Anti-Defamation League and expands on these main points: 

  • First, be sure to intervene. The response to biased incidents conveys important messages about the school's culture and values.

  • Make sure to minimize harm. Affected students feel supported and valued when the incident is addressed as soon as possible.
  • Increase allyship. When students and staff witness the right response, they can replicate it in their own interactions.
  • Create teachable moments. Turn incidents into learning opportunities about the impact of biased behavior.


The second resource is from Learning for Justice’s Speak Up Guide. This guide gives information about how to prepare in advance of incidents as well as how to respond in the moment. It also shares scenarios that can be practiced by adults or students to strengthen their ability to challenge bias and prejudice. 


This graphic, developed and based on the Responding to Hate and Bias at School resource from Learning for Justice, outlines proportionate responses based on incidents including immediate steps that staff can consider taking in the event of an incident. (To read our full protocol for responding to hate speech, click here.)


The CHCCS Equity and Engagement Office can provide staff with training that’s ongoing, as well as additional support when specific needs are identified. School-based equity coaches can be a source of support in analyzing specific staff reactions/responses as well as how to educate the school community in order to prevent future incidents.


This is our promise that positive change remains a continuous effort and that through this work, every student and staff member will feel affirmed, valued and supported here in Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools.


Responding to hate Speech, Racial Slurs, and Bias-related Incidents