Annual Hazardous Materials Notification For Parents & Staff
Asbestos Containing Building Materials (ACBM)
The EPA requires the district to notify, on an annual basis, all parents and staff of the presence of asbestos containing materials in all district buildings leased or acquired on or after 1988 (October 12, 1988). A Management Plan containing the original inspection conducted in 1988 and all subsequent reinspections, is located in each school’s administrative office and in the Safety Office at Lincoln Center. Anyone is welcome to view the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Management Plans during normal school and office hours.
The next comprehensive three year inspection will be completed in October 2022. Copies of these reports will be placed in each school’s Management Plan binder.
Pesticide Use
CHCCS uses pesticides as a final resort. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a process for managing, preventing and suppressing pests with minimal impact on human health and the environment. CHCCS hires outside pest-control contractors who are required to follow IPM procedures.
One of the requirements of the Schoolchildren’s Health Act of 2006, included in General Statute 115C-47 section 45, is that Principals are notified at least 72 hours in advance when certain pesticides or herbicides are going to be applied on their campuses. The purpose of this notification is to allow time for alternative plans to be made in order to avoid the areas scheduled for treatment. The notification period also allows for those with heightened chemical sensitivities to make other plans. This notification is required anytime the district uses any pesticide or herbicide that has a health rating according to the HMIS (Health Materials Identification System) now used on all Safety Data Sheets (SDS). OSHA uses the HMIS ratings for their compliance standards. The district uses no level 2 or 3 products (the most hazardous) so only level 0 (no risk to health) or level 1 (reversible or minor injury possible) compounds are impacted
The compounds used by the district dry quickly and are completely tack free 2-4 hours after application. Once dry, the treated areas can be safely reoccupied. HMIS level 3 compounds require a prolonged and extreme exposure for any physical reaction to take place.
All parents or guardians must contact their school’s principal if they are requesting 72 hour notifications be sent directly to them. The notice may be provided by their principal by phone call or email.
Notices are not required for emergency applications scheduled less than the 72 hour window. Records of pesticide and herbicide use are maintained in the Safety Office at Lincoln Center. For more information, see Board Policy 9205.
IPM is at its best when teachers, students, employees and contractors work together.
For More Information
David Contreras, the district’s Executive Director of Capital and School Facilities, is available to answer any questions parents and staff may have about asbestos and pesticides. He may be contacted at 919.967.8211, ext. 28240 or at