Organizational Effectiveness Goals
1. Provide safe school environments for students and staff.
OE 1.1 Annually review and revise its capital facilities improvement plan and clearly communicate needs to our community.
OE 1.2 The district Safe Schools Team leads ongoing reviews and revisions to our emergency operation plans to enhance the effectiveness of collaboration and communication between and among district responders (counselors, social workers, nurses, etc.), local agencies and school resource officers.
OE 1.3 Create a community resource to highlight the district’s commitment and efforts to provide a safe learning environment.
OE 1.4 Conduct comprehensive safety training each year for all staff. Staff and students participate in preparedness drills at appropriate intervals.
2. Directly align district resources with student needs.
OE 2.1 Review, evaluate and adjust programs, processes and resources to promote student success.
OE 2.2 Create and maintain existing data to guide continuous improvement and make informed resource decisions.
3. Develop and maintain an organizational knowledge base.
OE 3.1 Develop business continuity and disaster recovery plans for major district functions.
OE 3.2 Create internal systems for maintaining continuity and compliance with local, state and federal reporting and budgeting requirements. All Central Officeadministrative employees complete a succession plan.
4. Initiate effective, relevant and timely communication.
OE 4.1 Create and implement a district-wide communication effectiveness survey to measure communication preferences.
OE 4.2 Deploy a new district website, district communication apps and enhanced message systems.
OE 4.3 Establish written protocols to guide consistent implementation of district-wide communications.