Transportation Optimization Committee
In 2022-23, CHCCS asked employees, students, families and the community to join the conversation about improving school bus transportation. We called it the “Transportation Optimization Committee”, a collection of diverse voices to discuss transportation issues, ideas and solutions as we move forward. What follows is a summary of decisions made and various steps taken along the way:
🆕 What’s new:
At the Thursday, March 16, Board of Education meeting, the following decisions were made:
- CHCCS administration pulled back the recommendations related to changing bell schedules or magnet program transportation. There will be no changes to bell schedules or magnet program transportation in 2023-24.
- The Board approved a recommendation for “combined levels” for certain routes in 2023-24. This means, next year, some elementary school students may ride the bus with middle school students, and some middle school students may ride the bus with high school students. Those combinations, which will be strategically selected and limited in nature, will be determined later. No school will need to open any earlier as a result of this.
🔄 Catching up (as of March 2023):
🤝 We’ve hired four new drivers, two of whom are already on the road! Up to seven more potential drivers are taking or are scheduled for their required classes, or are awaiting road tests.
👂 The Board of Education held a public hearing at the March 2 meeting. Use this link to watch (due to a technical malfunction, the recording begins while the public hearing was already in progress.)
💵 In February, the Board unanimously approved raising the minimum pay for NEW bus drivers to a market-leading $20/hour. Spread the word! Tell a friend to visit our website or contact the Transportation office to apply. There’s a $2,000 signing bonus (restrictions apply.)
- Currently employed drivers will receive a three-step pay increase or the $20/hour rate (whichever is larger) effective April 1! (Bumped up from a previously communicated date of July 1.)
- 🛑 This action also included consolidated bus stops in 2023-24. There are no changes in the current school year. Any changes to bus stops will be communicated prior to the start of the 2023-24 school year.
- CHCCS will also hire for dual roles that combine bus driving with other positions, and partnering with Chapel Hill and Carrboro on improved biking and walking options.
📝 Survey results and Feb. 14 presentation materials: 4,324 responses (3,349 families plus 993 employees) were received on possible solutions to our bus transportation issues. To review the results (along with our entire Feb. 14 presentation to the Board of Education), use these links:
- Slide deck (with survey results)
- Video of Feb. 14 Board of Education presentation/discussion (fast forward to the 1:38 timestamp)
Links from the Feb. 1 Transportation Optimization Committee meeting:
- Meeting recording (English)
- Meeting recording (Spanish)
- Slide deck presentation (English)
- Slide deck presentation (Spanish)
Links from the Dec. 14 Transportation Optimization Committee meeting:
- Meeting recording (English)
- Meeting recording (Spanish)
- Slide deck presentation (English)
- Slide deck presentation (Spanish)
Links from the Nov. 30 Transportation Optimization Committee meeting:
- Meeting recording (English)
- Meeting recording (Spanish)
- Slide deck presentation (English)
- Slide deck presentation (Spanish)
- Menti feedback link
Links from the Nov. 2 General Interest meeting:
- Meeting recording (English)
- Meeting recording (Spanish)
- Slide deck presentation (English)
- Slide deck presentation (Spanish)
- Menti feedback link