Free and Reduced Meal Applications
Free and Reduced-Price Meal applications for the current school year are now available! A new application must be filled out each school year to enroll or re-enroll in free or reduced meals (breakfast and lunch). There are two ways to apply:
- Online at:
- Print and fill out the form at the bottom of this page (legal size paper needed)
A new form needs to be completed every school year.
Please return completed applications to:
Lincoln Center - Child Nutrition
750 S. Merritt Mill Rd.
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
You can drop off a completed form at the front desk or mail to the address above. Additionally, you can return the form to your school.
If you have any questions about the application, please call CHCCS Child Nutrition Bookkeeper Debbie Koonce at 919-967-8211 x28270