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Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools

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The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) has been administered to Chapel Hill‐Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS) students in odd years since 2001. The YRBS is a school‐based survey designed by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to monitor health risk behaviors that contribute to death, disability, and social problems among our nation’s youth.

What Is The Student Survey?

WHAT is the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)?

A survey monitoring behaviors established during childhood and early adolescence that contribute to leading causes of death, disability and social issues. The general risk areas are:

  • behaviors contributing to unintentional injuries and violence
  • tobacco/vaping use
  • alcohol and other drug use
  • sexual behaviors that contribute to unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases
  • unhealthy dietary behaviors
  • inadequate physical activity
  • mental health

WHY do a survey?                                    

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) survey

provides valuable information that Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS) uses to:

  • develop school-related program goals and activities
  • grant funding requests
  • monitoring behavior trends
  • improve school health interventions
  • inform the parent community
  • WHO takes it?          

    Fifty randomly chosen students in grades six through twelve take the YRBS in CHCCS.  The demographics of the survey respondents are represented.
    WHEN is it taken?    
    YRBS is given every two years in CHCCS at the same time as the rest of North Carolina as directed by the Department of Public Instruction (DPI).
    WHAT's new in this year's report?    
    • Three-year trend data
    • Confident intervals
    • Statistical notes


Talk to your children about alcohol and drug use.

Secure and dispose of prescription medication properly.

Monitor and secure alcohol in your home.

Don't serve or supply alcohol to those under 21 in your home.

Previous Youth Risk Behavior Survey

Alcohol, Cigarettes/Vapping, etc.

Alcohol, Cigarettes/Vapping, etc.
continues to be an area for much of our district's health education and awareness efforts. As we lean more about the effects of substance abuse on the developing teen brain we continue to emphasize these points in our educational efforts.

Contact YRBS Committee

YRBS Committee

Tracy Sanders         Lead for School Health Nurses and Homebound Services
Scarlett Steinert      Director of Healthy Living & Athletics
Diane Villwock         Executive Director of Assessment & Research