Modified Diets: Roles of Adults
Below is a list of roles from USDA regulations & guidance for adults in supporting the management of students’ unique needs. Please note that this is not an all-inclusive list.
Have a Medical Statement for Students with Unique Mealtime Needs for School Meals form completed by a recognized medical authority for any student unable to eat regular meals due to a disability (form can be obtained from school Nurse, Child Nutrition, or on-line)
Submit a meal modification Medical Statement to the school Nurse
Allow the school adequate time to implement the changes (typically 2 weeks).
Provide the food substitutions until the modified diet changes are made by the school
School Nurses
Serve as school contact for parents regarding modified diets
Provide a copy of the completed Medical Statement form to the cafeteria manager, Child Nutrition dietitian, and, as indicated, the classroom teacher and Exceptional Children's Program Facilitator or 504 Coordinator
Develop an Individual Health Plan to address modified dietary needs if there is no IEP or 504 plan that addresses the need
Child Nutrition Staff
Dietitian - Plan for food substitutions
Cafeteria staff - Prepare and serve food (preparation to plate)
All School Staff
Read information on use of microwaves and acceptable food in the classroom
Trained School Staff
Assist with feeding as necessary (plate to mouth)
Report any feeding concerns to parent/guardian
Ensure that students have access to eating in the cafeteria, the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
**Please note that eating in the classroom is not LRE**
Assist with the oral phase of swallowing (for example: seating and positioning, adaptive equipment, chewing and bolus preparation and oral transit, and staff and parent training as appropriate)
***Please Note - Pharyngeal transit and esophageal transit issues are addressed outside of the school setting***