After-School Guidelines for Dietary Modifications
The After-School program procedures for serving students with a food or milk allergy:
- Prior to the students' first day of After-School, the Site Director is to contact the School Nurse to identify if the student (listed as having a food or milk allergy) has a signed Medical Statement for Students with Unique Mealtime Needs for School Meals form (which is available in ENGLISH or SPANISH) on file at the school.
- If a signed medical form is on file with the school nurse, the Site Director is to contact the school cafeteria manager and order a daily snack that meets the student’s dietary needs.
- If a signed Medical Statement is not on file with the school nurse, the nurse will contact the parent to obtain a signed Medical Statement from the parent/guardian. The Site Director should also call the parent and refer them to the school nurse to obtain the necessary form. The student will be served a snack that meets their nutritional needs as soon as the form is on file with the school nurse. The nurse and Site Director are to inform the parent/guardian they will need to supply an alternative snack until the required paperwork is on file with the school nurse.
According to CHCCS Board of Education Policy, a milk substitute is not required to be provided unless the student has a milk allergy. Therefore, no milk substitute will be provided unless a student has a diagnosed milk allergy and the required signed medical statement is on file.
The Teacher Workday program procedure for serving non-After-School students with a food or milk allergy:
- The Community Schools Registrar will send an allergy list of enrolled students, to the Site Director for each Teacher Workday. When the TWD enrollment list is received, approximately two weeks prior to the Teacher Workday, the Site Director is to contact the school nurse for any non-After-school student who has a food or milk allergy and follow the procedures outlined above.