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Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools

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Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)

Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs) exist at each of our schools. They operate under a broad purpose of securing educational advantages for children. Their activities vary from school to school, but generally include publishing parent newsletters about school events, conducting fundraisers and holding regular events for families. PTAs generally hold a membership drive at the beginning of the school year, but you can join at any time. To get more specific information about your PTA and to get involved, please visit CHCCS PTA Council or contact your school. 

School Improvement Team (SIT)

Each school in the district has a School Improvement Team (SIT). A minimum of five parents serve on each school’s SIT. Parents are elected each spring by the school's PTA to fill vacant seats for the upcoming academic year.

The SIT develops, reviews and amends the School Improvement Plan; provides input into the end of each year’s status report; approves the capital and operational budget requests; solicits input from and hears the concerns of constituents about school programs; reviews the results of all relevant state and district administered surveys; provides counsel to the Board of Education on issues and policies; participates in the selection process when there is a vacancy for the position of principal at the school; advocates for schools; serves in an advisory capacity to the principal; and requests local position exchanges. Learn about our SIT Operational Framework here.