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Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools

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Programs Supports & Services for Exceptional Children

This page lists specific programs and supports offered by the Exceptional Children department at Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools.

Program Supports

Adapted Physical Education

Adapted Physical Education is a diversified program of physical activities having the same goals and objectives as the general physical education program with modifications based on the IEP provided in a safe and successful environment. Adapted Physical Education is instruction in physical education that is designed on an individual basis to meet the needs of a students with disabilities.

Assistive Technology

The Assistive Technology Team serves all schools within the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School System. When the IEP team or 504 team requests assistance, our purpose is to provide staff/student/parent training, consultation, assessment, and equipment loan in order to help 504 and students in the Exceptional Children’s Program access their academic curriculum.

Extended School Year (ESY)

ESY is provided for children with an individualized Educational Program (IEP) who require extended services based on a set of criteria for eligibility that is determined annually by the IEP team.

Preschool Intervention

The Preschool Intervention Program provides a variety of services for preschool children with special needs and their families in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School district. This program is for 3- and 4-year-old children and 5-year-old children who are not yet eligible for kindergarten.

Related Services

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy is a student centered, related service provided by a licensed occupational therapy professional. School-related occupational therapy is provided to enable an identified student with disabilities or special needs to engage in meaningful and/or necessary activities (occupations) that allow participation in the educational program as independently as possible. Occupations may include personal care, using classroom tools and materials, graphic communication, play, sensory processing, and community integration/work.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy services are provided by licensed physical therapists (PT), allied health professionals concerned with promoting functional independence of individuals with physical impairments. Physical therapy services within the educational environment reflect the goals of the school system and are directed towards helping students physically access and participate in their educational program safely and appropriately.

School Psychologists

School psychologists collaborate with teachers, parents and administrators to find effective interventions to address learning and behavior problems. School psychologists use observational data, standardized psychological assessment, and curriculum-based assessments to determine a student’s academic and instructional needs and subsequent eligibility for special education services. School psychologists assist student support teams with implementation of evidence-based interventions, monitoring a student's response to intervention and when appropriate provide counseling services related to interpersonal or family issues that interfere with school performance.

Speech Language Pathologist

School-based speech-language pathologists provide prevention, assessment, and remediation services for students who exhibit difficulties in the areas of language, speech, voice, and fluency. These services are designed to help children meet their educational goals.