District Information
Secondary Transition Services
In accordance with North Carolina Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities (amended August 2020) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), CHCCS provides special education and related services for students with disabilities, ages 3 through 21. Students identified with a disability and found eligible for special education are offered services, as appropriate, to meet their unique needs as specified in their Individual Education Program (IEP). Questions concerning courses and services for students with an IEP should be directed to the Exceptional Children Teacher/ Case Manager. Additional information can be accessed on the NCDPI or CHCCS Exceptional Children website.
Exceptional Children Services:
General Curriculum - Common Core Standards
Future Ready Core Pathway
Occupational Course of Study Pathway
Adapted Curriculum - Extended Content Standards
Adapted Curriculum Pathway
CHCCS provides Transition planning and interventions for students with disabilities to support their changing roles as 21st century learners, workers, and community members. We work across disciplines to integrate a multidisciplinary approach to meeting the varied transition needs of our students and federal requirements related to transition education. We seek to help our students grow into self-determined adults with possibilities and options for living dignified lives. The journey into adulthood encompasses a process focused on the student at the center and rich in content, collaboration, and possibilities.