Community Services & Programs
The Arc of the Triangle -
The Arc of the Triangle, Inc. supports children and adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities [I/DD] in the achievement of their personal goals and dreams in our community through partnership and advocacy.
Alliance Heath -
Alliance Health serves people in North Carolina's Cumberland, Durham, Johnston, Mecklenburg, Orange and Wake counties who are insured by Medicaid or are uninsured. Our network of providers offers treatment and support for mental illness, substance use disorders, and intellectual/developmental disabilities.
Carolina Outreach -
Our professional mission is to provide mental health services. Our underlying goal is to help clients and employees fulfill their life’s ambitions. Our higher goal is to improve society. We can succeed on all fronts by maintaining an organization that treats clients, families, and employees with dignity and respect, and by giving means for them to tap into and develop their inherent strengths.
Club Nova -
Club Nova is a nonprofit community center for people with serious mental illness providing employment, education, social opportunities, and more.
Duke Center for Autism and Brain Development -
To provide exceptional, compassionate care to families so that each individual with autism will realize his or her fullest potential and to expand our impact through education, innovative research, and public policy.
El Futuro -
El Futuro is a nonprofit outpatient clinic that provides comprehensive mental health services for Latino families within a bilingual environment of healing and hope.
Job Corps -
Job Corps is the largest nationwide residential career training program in the country and has been operating for more than 50 years. The program helps eligible young people ages 16 through 24 complete their high school education, trains them for meaningful careers, and assists them with obtaining employment. Job Corps has trained and educated over two million individuals since 1964.
The North Carolina Assistive Technology Program -
NCATP is a state and federally funded program that provides assistive technology services statewide to people of all ages and abilities. NCATP leads North Carolina's efforts to carry out the federal Assistive Technology Act of 2004 by providing device demonstration, short-term device loans, and reutilization of assistive technology. We promote independence for people with disabilities through access to technology.
Giving those with disabilities the ability to save. New NC ABLE helps individuals save, while preserving their SSI and Medicaid.
UNC - Oasis -
The OASIS Mission is to promote full recovery from a first episode of psychosis using proven and innovative approaches to comprehensive specialty care and integrative medicine, and our vision is one of broad accessibility for all citizens of North Carolina to these effective, life-saving services.
A University-based system of community regional centers that offers a set of core services along with unique demonstration programs meeting the clinical, training, and research needs of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, their families, and professionals across the state of North Carolina. TEACCH® Autism Program, founded by Dr. Eric Schopler in 1972, is a model for other programs around the world.