The transfer period for the 2024-2025 school year begins on February 15, 2024 and ends on April 15, 2024 for all students.
The transfer period includes in-district students, out-of-district (for eligible CHCCS employees) students, and all new kindergarten students that would like to be included in the lottery for dual language or world language programs.
- No exceptions will be made for missing the deadline.
- Release forms for out-of-district students must be submitted by the April 15, 2024 deadline.
- Transfers will not be approved if the student does not meet one of the seven eligibility reasons listed in the Board of Education's Policy Code: 4150 School Assignment and Reassignment.
- Bus transportation services are not available for transfer students.
- Transfers will not be approved for current and new transfer students that do not meet the following attendance and behavior requirements during the 2023-2024 school year.
- Attendance: Fewer than any combination of 10 unexcused tardies to school and/or daily unexcused absences. Tardy is defined as arriving any time after the tardy---1 minute, 15 minutes, etcetera. In middle school and high school, this could also include having an unexcused for the first period class. Skipping class is classified as behavior.
- Behavior: Fewer than 2 incidents resulting in ISS or 1 incident resulting in OSS.
- Decisions for transfer requests are expected to be emailed to parents by the end of the 2023-2024 school year. They will be sent from, so please check your spam if needed.
- Students are expected to register for courses at their zoned school until they are approved.
- The registration application and all the following three required documents must be submitted by April 15, 2024 to be included in the kindergarten lottery for magnet programs.
1-Student's Birth Certificate or Passport
2-Parent's ID (for example, driver's license, passport, etcetera)
3-Proof of Residence (one from the list below)
- A complete electric, gas, or water bill dated within the past 60 days and lists both the property address and mailing address.
- A current lease or rental agreement that is signed by all parties.
- A settlement statement with occupancy date that is signed by all parties.
- A current Orange County real estate tax bill that lists both the property address and mailing address.
Magnet Schools
As magnet schools, the schools below are not open to transfers. Kindergarten placement in these schools is based on a lottery; placement for grades 1–5 is based on a wait list for available seats. Siblings may enroll only if there is space available and if they meet any language testing requirements. Children of staff have the opportunity to request enrollment in the lottery process with priority given only to students whose parents are permanent staff members at the desired school.
- Carrboro Elementary
- Frank Porter Graham Elementary
- Glenwood Elementary
- Seawell Elementary
The Approval and Appeal Process
If the transfer request is approved, the student will be able to attend the requested school. If the transfer request is denied, the parent is able to appeal the decision in a confidential hearing with a committee comprised of Student Enrollment and Student Services staff. Instructions on how to appeal, including times and dates, will be included in the denial letter.
- If the appeal is approved, the student will be able to attend the requested school.
- If the appeal is denied, the parent is able to appeal the decision in a confidential, closed session meeting with the Board of Education, Student Enrollment staff, and CHCCS administration.
- If the appeal is approved, the student will be able to attend the requested school.
- If the appeal is denied, the transfer will not be permitted.
Transfer Request Forms: The In-District Transfer Form closed on April 15, 2024.
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Transfer Deadline
This transfer window includes in-district students, out-of district students (for CHCCS Employees ONLY), and new kindergarten students that would like to be included in the lottery for a dual language or world language program.
Transfer requests are reviewed in bulk after the April 15 deadline.
Students are expected to attend their assigned schools until a decision is made.
Permissible Reasons to Transfer
All students attending the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools are assigned to individual schools according to the domicile of the parent or court-ordered legal guardian. Students living within the district may be allowed to transfer to a school outside of their attendance area if they adhere to all board policies, administrative regulations and school rules, and meet one of the following conditions:
- Siblings of students who have been assigned to special programs (dual language, system-level EC, Newcomers, LEAP) at a school outside of their assignment areas may attend the same school.
- Students with special medical or handicapping conditions may be reassigned to a more appropriate setting. Documentation by a licensed medical or mental health professional is required.
- Children of permanent school district employees may be permitted to attend a school outside of their assignment areas.
- Students in grades 3–12, whose families move from one school assignment area to another within the district may be permitted to remain at the original school until they exit the last grade in the school. During a redistricting year, students at the affected school level may not be permitted to remain until they exit their current school. Students in grades K–2 at the time of the relocation can remain at the original school for the remainder of the school year only. Siblings in grades K–2 are not eligible to remain at the original school once the older sibling has exited the school.
- Students in grades K–8 whose parents’ after-school care arrangements are dependent upon attendance at another school may be reassigned to another school. Documentation is required.
- Students whose parents have expressed concern about their child's safety if they continue to attend the present school due to specific students who are threatening or severely harassing their child may be reassigned to another school. However, every effort will be made by the child’s school to address the safety issue (parents must meet with the school principal) before a transfer request on these grounds is reviewed.
- Students may be reassigned to schools where transfers would positively impact the capacity of a projected school or program, even if they do not meet one of the previous six conditions, as determined by the Board of Education in the Designation of Over- and Under-Crowded Schools Report, and where the reassignment does not conflict with Board policies, administrative regulations, and school rules. This reason may not be cited until the Over- and Under-Crowded Schools Report has been approved on or before March 15 of the given school year.
Transfer Conditions
- All transfers are valid for one year only. A new transfer request must be submitted each year.
- The parent is responsible for transportation. The student must arrive and be picked up on time.
- The student must attend school on a regular basis and abide by school rules and regulations. Excessive absences, tardiness or disciplinary referrals may be grounds for revocation of the transfer.
- Sibling requests are considered individually; siblings are not automatically granted transfers.
- Any transfer request that is approved based upon false or misleading information will be declared void and the transfer will be rescinded.
Additional Transfer Requirements
The following Transfer Requirements apply to both current and new transfer students. If a student does not meet these attendance and behavior criteria their transfer will not be approved.
Attendance: Fewer than any combination of 10 unexcused tardies to school and/or daily unexcused absences
Tardy is defined as arriving any time after the tardy bell - 1 minute, 15 minutes, etc. In middle school and high school, this could also include having an unexcused absence for the first period class.
Behavior: Fewer than 2 incidents resulting in in-school-suspension or 1 incident resulting in out-of-school-suspension. A student with a behavior plan or an IEP may be given flexibility.
Skipping class is classified as behavior.