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Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools

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Address Changes

Address Changes are completed with the District Registrar via email or at Lincoln Center, which is served by the CM bus route. An address change form must be accompanied by a current proof of residency for your new address.

To simply update your phone number, email address, or emergency contacts please contact your student's school Data Manager.

Submitting an Address Change 

  • Email: This method requires an electronic proof of residency in the name of the parent or legal guardian. You may send the completed form and proof of residency via email to the District Registrar ( Once the completed form is received, they will review the documents and provide you with confirmation of the address change or additional information.
  • In person: Bring one of the proofs of residency in the name of the parent or legal guardian listed below and bring a completed address change form to Lincoln Center, which is served by the CM bus route.
  • Mail: Send a completed address change form and current proof of residency in the name of the parent or legal guardian to the District Registrar at 750 S. Merritt Mill Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516. Once the completed form is received, they will review the documents and provide you with confirmation of the address change or additional information.
  • Fax: Send a completed address change form and current proof of residency in the name of the parent or legal guardian to the Registrar at 919-918-2018. Once the completed form is received, they will review the documents and provide you with confirmation of the address change or additional information.

Questions? Email the District Registrar at or call 919-967-8211, ext. 20407.

Address Change Form