Welcome to the Library
The Phillips Middle School Library is dedicated to empowering students to become lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and effective navigators of information and technology. This is supported by:
- Providing equitable access to books, materials and information technologies in a flexible learning environment.
- Creating a virtual and physical shared space for knowledge construction, collaboration and inquiry-based learning.
- Collaborating with other educators to design project-based learning experiences that infuse multiple literacies and 21st Century skills.
- Providing instruction to support and enrich the curriculum and stimulate interest in reading, viewing, and using information and ideas.
A diverse collection is a critical component of the library. The Phillips Library provides students and staff access to a variety of fiction, non-fiction, reference, graphic novels, and biographies. The reference section includes both print materials and online databases. In addition, there is a professional collection for use by staff, as well as DVDs for curricular use by teachers.
Library Staff
Sharon Kolling, Librarian, skolling@chccs.k12.nc.us
Delphine Sieredzki, Library Assistant, dsieredzki@chccs.k12.nc.us