A team of 17 teachers works diligently and enthusiastically each day to support the unique educational needs of students who attend the Hospital School. Teachers use the curriculum from students' community schools, when available, and work with students on assignments and projects that they may be missing during their hospitalization. Hospital School teachers speak directly with community school teachers as needed to be sure that everyone is working together to help students to make as much academic progress as they can while in the hospital. Parents and caregivers are important partners in their children's educational experiences and can help by bringing books and assignments as needed and offering input regarding how their children learn best, what their strengths and challenges are and what they are interested in as learners.
When assignments are not available from community schools, teachers conduct brief, targeted educational assessments in math and literacy to determine the academic levels of students, using those results to plan appropriate instruction. Educational materials and strategies are selected to best meet student needs and may include library books, web resources (see links on the left side of this page), on-line learning, individualized instruction, small group instruction, hands-on learning, etc.
When students are ready to leave the hospital, teachers communicate with staff at community schools and with parents/families to assist them in making each student's transition from the Hospital School to the next educational placement a smooth and positive one.