Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports

  • Phoenix Academy High School has a school-wide approach to discipline and behavior management.  Our goal is to provide guidance, rewards, and consequences to assist students in replacing negative behaviors with more acceptable behaviors. Each teacher designs a creative classroom management plan that focuses on behavior modification in a more positive way.


    Positive Behavior Intervention & Support is a broad range of strategies for achieving important leaning outcomes while also preventing problem behavior. PBIS has three main components at Phoenix Academy High School:

    1. Positive Student and Teacher Relationships
    2. Classroom and School Environment that promotes Pro-Social Behavior
    3. High Expectations for all students


    The faculty has developed a matrix to help our school community understand how we do business at Phoenix Academy High School.  The matrix focuses on “SOAR.”


    Success through Change

    Open to Diversity

    Aspire towards Greatness

    Respect Myself and Others


    Phoenix Academy High School is excited about the implementation of PBIS and the promise it holds for reducing the number of interruptions to student learning, as well as preparing our students to succeed in all they do.

School Incentives


    Incentives are one of the key components in implementing PBIS. The two types of incentives are school wide incentives and individual incentives.

    School Wide Incentives (possible rewards for the school as a whole)·

    Field Trip (once a month for students who do not receive disciplinary notes)
    Party (a school wide incentive to increase attendance rate to 100% at Phoenix Academy)
    Spirit Week (week before exams to motivate students to do well on their EOCs)
    Movie Day (students have a chance to receive special privileges to watch a school approved film)
    School Cook-Out
    School Social with music
    Guest Motivational Speaker
    Talent Show/Dance Off

Phoenix Soaring

Phoenix Soaring

Individual Incentives

  • “Winner Wednesday” – Once a week, after the morning announcements, there is a raffle drawing performed in front of the whole school. Only students who have received at least one ticket from a teacher or staff member are able to participate. There are two possible ways for the students to win. The random way which is when a student’s ticket is placed in a box and one name is picked and the other way is by receiving the most tickets. The prizes could include one of the following:

    • Opportunity to shadow a business owner for a day with credit for writing about the experience
    • King or Queen for a day
    • Extended lunch time
    • Eating Lunch with the Principal
    • Extra computer time
    • Shout Out
    • Attending Movie Day
    • Chick-Fil-A Lunch
    • Tangible prizes (headphones, iTunes card, gift cards etc.)