Research Requests Overview
Research Requests Overview
Researchers who wish to work with the District's students and/or staff, as subjects in their research, must submit an:
- electronic copy of their IRB packet
- copy of the signed cover sheet showing IRB approval
- simply worded, one page description of the study for the superintendent's review
Email submissions to:
Dr. Diane Villwock
Executive Director, Assessment & Research
919-967-8211 x22409
Approval to conduct research in the district hinges on several aspects:
- IRB approval
- Lack of interference with the mission of the school district
- Time in the school year (no approval for beginning or end of the year, nor near major holiday or breaks)
- There is a moratorium on new external research at dual language schools through the 2019-2020 school year
The approval process includes ad hoc assistance from central office administrators whose programs are impacted by the research. For example, the Health Coordinator examines research proposals about medical or health issues; and the After School Coordinator is consulted regarding research taking place after school. The Executive Director of the Office of Assessment & Research makes the final decision after consultations are completed.
If approval is granted by the district, researchers must contact the principal of the buildings where they wish to complete their research. Principals have the right to refuse to participate, as do all staff. It is recommended for researchers to contact principals about prospective projects, prior to approval, to gauge their level of interest. It is expected that all research conducted in the district follow the existing human subjects guidelines in the domain of their research (medical, social science, etc.). Further, researchers are asked to provide the district with a copy of any publication that arises from their work here.
If researchers wish to send a flyer home to families regarding their study, they must use the Peachjar system.