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Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools

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Registration Information

The registration and enrollment process consists of several steps, outlined below.

Enrollments begin with the Registrar at the district's central office, Lincoln Center, which is served by the CM bus route. Students do not need to accompany their parents to be enrolled.

  1. Enrollment/Registration:

    • Parents/guardians complete the online pre-registration process in advance or at Lincoln Center. To finalize your child's registration, you must appear in person at Lincoln Center. Only parents or legal guardians may register students. Legal guardians must present court-ordered custody or guardianship documentation. Notarized statements are not acceptable.
    • During the registration process, parents/guardians must fill out a Home Language Survey, as required by federal law. If a language other than English is present in the student's background and is determined to be the student’s dominant language, the student is considered a potential ELL student. The district then proceeds to the next step of the screening process.
  2. Administration of Identification/Placement Assessment:

    • Potential ELL students make an appointment with the CHCCS International Welcome Center to be assessed with the NC state-designated English Language Proficiency Assessment. Students will also be assessed with a math assessment to assist in appropriate math placement. Appointments can be made by:
  3. Assessing Academic and/or Native Language Skills

    • Assessing a student's literacy skills in both English and the native language (where possible) provides valuable insight into the student's language and literacy development and can inform instructional and programming decisions. In addition to the ELP assessment, CHCCS administers a math assessment (available in multiple languages) to assist with appropriate math placement within each school.
  4. Conducting Parent Interview/Other Pertinent Data

    • While the student is taking the ELP or math assessment, our Title III Parent Liaison meets with each family and to gather additional information that assists the district in determining the most appropriate placement/service. The Title III Parent Liaison will gather information relevant to the student’s prior school experiences, any interruption in formal education, academic habits, interests, etc. This information helps to determine placement and instructional support.
  5. Determination of Eligibility and Service

    • CHCCS scores the state-designated ELP assessment to determine eligibility. If a student is identified as an English Language Learner, CHCCS uses all the data and information gathered from the identification/placement screener, assessment of academic skills, parent interview and information from the parents and student to determine the level of EL services. If it is determined that the student is sufficiently proficient in English so as not to limit access to the curriculum, the student is placed in the mainstream instructional program without additional language support services.