Language Translation/ Interpretation Services
In Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools, we strive to effectively communicate with students, parents and guardians, regardless of the language spoken. To achieve this, we have several full-time interpreters and other interpreters as needed.
To request an interpreter, please
- call our Interpretation Hotline at 919-918-2240, or
- request assistance via this link or email or
- talk with your teacher or your principal
Meet our interpreters
How to Arrange Translations and Interpretations Services
To request assistance with interpretation and translation services, please:
- Contact your teacher or principal at your school or
- Call 919-918-2240 or
- Email or
- Visit us at the Welcome Center for International Students at Lincoln Center (Trailer 3)
CHCCS Employees
Please submit a ticket in our system in Translation/Interpretation Requests Form on the VINE (CHCCS Employee Google Account login required).
Working with an interpreter
The parent should address the teacher directly and not the interpreter. The teacher should always address the parent directly and not the interpreter. The interpreter is the voice, but the parent and the teacher are the ones meeting. Although it may seem unnatural at first it is always best for you to make eye contact with and talk directly to the parent. Making eye contact with the interpreter may cause confusion. Speak in an even tone and pause frequently so the interpreter can translate appropriate information. use simple and concrete samples in your explanation of academic goals. Student's work samples and a rubric to show how the work was evaluated is an excellent example to discuss with parents. Remember to leave time for any questions the parent may have.