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Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools

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Bids and Proposals

Welcome to the CHCCS Bids and Proposals Page.  This is where the district will post information regarding requests for bids and proposals for services and equipment.  If you have any questions, please contact the Communications Office.

Active Bids


Sealed proposals for a Single Prime Construction Contract will be
received by Chapel Hill – Carrboro City Schools in the Warehouse
Conference Room of Lincoln Center, 750 South Merritt Mill Road,
Chapel Hill, NC, until 2 PM on Thursday, March 13 ,2025, and
immediately thereafter publicly opened and read, for the furnishing
of labor, material, and equipment entering into the work for the
following project:

Elementary & Middle School Safety Improvements

Mary Scroggs Elementary School
501 Kildaire Rd, Chapel Hill, NC

Morris Grove Elementary School
215 Eubanks Rd, Chapel Hill, NC

Guy B. Phillips Middle School
606 Estes Dr, Chapel Hill, NC

Rashkis Elementary School
601 Meadowmont Ln, Chapel Hill, NC

Smith Middle School
9201 Seawell School Rd, Chapel Hill, NC