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Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools

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2024 School Bond Referendum. Orange County, NC. Flip Don't Skip. It's the last item on the back of the ballot.


Complete Overview

This fall, if voters in Orange County (including Chapel Hill and Carrboro) approve the school bond referendum, CHCCS will be provided the funding necessary to build a new Carrboro Elementary School (on the current site), a new Estes Hills Elementary School (on the current site) and a new FPG Bilingue Elementary School (site to be determined following more community engagement), while also including high priority maintenance projects at all remaining schools.

Go Deeper: For a detailed explanation of these proposals, use the following links.


Previously shared background information (in brief)

This November, Orange County (which includes Chapel Hill and Carrboro) will ask residents to vote on a $300 million bond referendum in order to pay for the long-term capital improvement (facility) needs of both CHCCS and Orange County Schools. The goals for students, staff and families include:

  • Placing students and staff in modern, spacious, leading-edge learning environments.

  • Reducing operational/structural inefficiencies such as utility and maintenance costs that are higher in our oldest facilities.

  • Reducing the overall age of CHCCS school buildings.


Why is this happening? A Capital Working Group was formed back in 2021, representing a collaboration between Orange County Government and the two school districts for which it is responsible: CHCCS and Orange County Schools. Orange County Government is directing its two school districts to modernize facilities by developing plans that look years into the future needs of our community. The county and its two school districts are working together to achieve these goals. 


For more details about the Orange County School Bond visit