At-Home Learning
Page Navigation
- Overview
- Student & Teacher Expectations
- Elementary Extended At-Home Learning Plan
- Secondary Extended At-Home Learning Plan
- Educator Resources
- Family/Student Resources
- Tech Support/Access to the Internet
- Parent Webinars
At-Home Learning Overview
Welcome to Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School's At-Home Learning Resource site designed to support our students, families and educators while schools are closed for COVID-19.
We believe that every student deserves access to rigorous, relevant and engaging learning opportunities. While we cannot replace the value of the teacher-to-student interaction in the classroom, we are working to provide supplemental resources and activities that will help students remain engaged in learning while schools are closed. Although we can never replace the value of the teacher-student interaction in the classroom, Chapel Hll-Carrboro City Schools will provide instructional resources and extension activities that will help students remain engaged in learning while schools are closed.
These resources and opportunities on this site will continue to evolve and grow over the course of any extended school closure.
Thank you for your support of your child(ren)s learning at home. Together we can ensure the success of our students!
Phase 1 (March 30-April 10): Elementary Parent Letter | Elementary Learning Choice Board | Secondary Letter and Learning Plan | At Home Learning Plan Board Update 4/2/2020)
Phase 2 (April 13-May 15): Elementary Parent Letter | Middle School Parent Letter | High School Parent Letter (9th-11th grade) | High School Seniors Parent Letter | At-Home Learning Google Meets Letter (4/13/2020) |
Grades 6-8 Grading Letter (5/12/2020) | Grades 9-11 Grading Letter (5/12/2020)Phase 3 (May 18-June 12): Secondary Multidisplinary Choice Board
Elementary Learning Packets
Parents, contained in the links below you will find access to the content PreK-5 for the 5 weeks of instruction for Phase 2 from April 13th-May 15. Please contact your child’s school to obtain a printed version. The distribution of the paper versions of these packets were on April 10th and April 24th.
May 18-June 12
April 27-May 15
April 13-April 24
Pre-Kindergarten (English) | Pre-Kindergarteh (Español)
K/1 Choice Board for Extended Activities
2-5 Choice Board for Extended Activities