Multilanguage Learners (MLs- previously ELLs) are identified based on English language proficiency testing (our district uses the WIDA EnglishLanguage Proficiency Assesement for identification purposes), and is required by the state of North Carolina. The required assessment is given before students start attending school, and is administered if a language other than English is spoken at home. After testing, we collaborate with teachers to determine appropriate service levels.
Co-Teaching: MLs receive service in the regular education classroom. The EL teacher and the content teacher collaborate to share instructional responsibilities which include planning, assessing, and day-to-day instruction.
Pull-out/Push-in: MLs receive service outside the regular education classroom in small-group, differentiated, content-based ESL classes taught by ESL-certified teachers.
Sheltered Instruction: Sheltered instruction is a research-based instructional model that intergrates language and content instruction. It is designed to make content material more comprehensible to English Language Learners.
As part of the English as a Second Language services, CHCCS offers a Newcomer Program, designed for newly arriving students in grades three though twelve. The newcomer program is housed in the following schools:
Northside Elementary
Culbreth Middle
Carrboro High.
CHCCS also offers two dual language programs, a Spanish - English dual language program and a Mandarin - English dual language program.
Regardless of the level of services provided, all students identified as ELLs must take the annual ACCESS English language proficiency test in the spring, as it is a federal requirement. This annual test measures the growth students make towards proficiency in English, as measured by listening, speaking, reading, and writing portions of the ACCESS test. The ACCESS test also determines their exit criteria.
Our mission is to assist ELLs acquire the English necessary to succeed both academically and within their communities. We support English Language Learners as they acquire English by:
Immersing students in meaningful language experiences that utilize listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Utilizing best practices to support ELLs in accessing content.
Our students will:
Recognize the value of their cultural and linguistic diversity, while appreciating the diversity of others
Develop their critical thinking skills, creativity, and self-worth
Be prepared to serve and participate in their communities as literate 21st Century Citizens
For further information, please contact
Helen Atkins, Director of the CHCCS Office of Language Acquisition;; 919-967-8211 ext. 20322
Rebekah Concepcion, Lead Teacher/Coach of the CHCCS Office of Language Acquisition;; 919-967-8211 ext. 20329
Zaida Walker, Parent Liaison for the CHCCS Office of Language Acquisition; 919-967-8211 ext. 20320
Zulma Urena, ELL Student Success Advocate for the CHCCS Office of Language Acquisition;; 919-967-8211 ext. 20323
Norma Centeno, Family Specialist and Interpreter for the CHCCS Office of Language Acquisition: