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Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools

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Welcome to CHCCS Secondary Healthful Living/PE Page

NCDPI Healthful Living Website (Main Website)

The Healthful Living Education curriculum, when fully integrated, supports and reinforces the goals and objectives of its two major components -- health and physical education. Schools play a vital role in the wellness of their students by providing opportunities for learning about and practicing healthy behaviors. Good student health fosters student attendance, improves school climate, enhances student performance, and decreases childhood obesity.


Healthful Living and Physical Education Resources 

The resources linked above are from The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI).  


Reproductive and Sexual Health Curriculum 

North Carolina General Statute 115C-81.30 defines the parameters of Reproductive Health and Safety Education in North Carolina Public Schools.  The full text of General Statute 115C-81.30 can be found on the North Carolina General Assembly's website. Additionally, the link for the CHCCS Comprehensive Health Education Program Board Policy (3540) can be found here

Health Youth Act Parent Notification This letter will be shared with families PRIOR to any instruction regarding sexual and reproductive health in the classroom along with any consent forms from the Orange County Rape Crisis Center (OCRCC) or the Compass Center. This is a link to the letter in Spanish (HERE). 

NCDPI Healthful Living Standards

  • These are the state standards to which all curriculum is aligned.  The sexual health curriculum focuses on abstinence as the only 100% method of preventing a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or pregnancy. Abstinence is referenced 29 times in the standards and the unpacked clarifying objectives for grades 7-9. Furthermore, this document outlines the sexual health standards as required by the state. 

In Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS), we are fortunate to be able to partener with two community agencies: Orange Conty Rape Crisis Center (OCRCC) and the Compass Center (CC) to deliver evidence based programs in our middle and high schools. Each healthful living teacher may choose to use these community agencies in their classrooms. As a parent you have the right to review any resources used.  Parents should reach out to their child’s teacher to review and discuss the curriculum and content used in the classroom. Furthermore, families may access the resources used by the Orange County Rape Crisis Center (OCRCC) and The Compass Center by clicking on this link

Secondary Healthful Living/PE Program Contact

Scarlett K. Steinert
Director of Healthful Living, Athletics & Driver Education
Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools
750 S. Merritt Mill Road
Chapel Hill, NC  27516
919-967-8211 ext. 20424
Fax:  919-918-7096