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Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools

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Welcome to CHCCS Elementary Program Page!

CHCCS FLES: Elementary World Languages for Everyone!

Diverse children's faces in circle

Our French and Spanish Foreign Language in the Elementary Schools, or FLES program, is a nationally recognized model for early language learning for all students in grades 1st through 5th.  Highly qualified FLES teachers deliver instruction almost exclusively in the target language for 90 minutes (usually 3 times) per week.


Young language learners build their proficiency levels in the target language by engaging with songs, puppets,  games, and activities which build confidence and skills in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. 

Languages by School

All schools offer either French or Spanish FLES classes.  Ephesus, Estes Hills and Glenwood offer French and the others offer Spanish.  All schools share the same program standards and curriculum.  We also offer dual language programs in English and Spanish at Frank Porter Graham and Carrboro Elementary, and in English and Mandarin at Glenwood Elementary. 


For more on the benefits of FLES in CHCCS, please read Invest in FLES:  Why we should prioritize equitable proficiency-based elementary world language programs in public schools.


 Standards for Elementary World Languages


child pointing at 3D world globe

National Standards: American Council for Teachers of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)

ACTFL World Readiness Standards (Overview)

ACTFL Standards Summary

State Standards: North Carolina World Language Essential Standards (NCWLES) 

NCWLES are organized by proficiency level rather than by grade level and contain four essential standards (with clarifying objectives)


CHCCS FLES Thematic Units 

Our local, teacher-created thematic units provide a bridge from the state standards to classroom instruction. By grouping the standards according to theme, we situate language learning in the context of real life, making instruction more meaningful and motivating for our young learners. All units are designed using the Understanding by Design (UbD) framework.

World Globe-Child's drawing of homes-Hungry emoji-dog with clothes-children encircle globe

Unit 1 (We’re Off to School!) focuses on interacting with new friends in the school and classroom settings. Unit 2 (Welcome Home!) revolves around the home and the family. Unit 3 (Who’s Hungry?) deals with the selection and consumption of different foods. Unit 4 (What to Wear?) teaches about weather and the clothing we choose during different seasons. Finally, in Unit 5 (What in the World?), students learn about geography and the animals that inhabit different parts of the world. 


Students who progress through the program from year to year build upon previous learning as the curriculum increases in rigor and shifts to focus on new target cultures. 

Family-friendly Resources



World Language Program Contact

Helen Atkins
Director of Multilingual Learners, Dual Language and World Language Programs 
919-967-8211 x20322