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Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools

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Welcome to CHCCS Elementary Social Studies Page!

Glenwood students learning geography.

The CHCCS K-5 Social Studies curriculum helps to prepare students to become informed, responsible and engaged citizens. We accomplish this goal by studying the five major strands outlined in the North Carolina course of study: 1) history, 2) geography, 3) civics and government, 4) economics and financial literacy, and 5) culture. In CHCCS, we strive to integrate Social Studies standards and Language Arts standards to create seamless opportunities. 

Your Child's Learning Experiences

Morris Grove students sharing their family stories.

In Kindergarten through second grade, students learn about themselves, others, families, and their communities. They begin to develop an understanding of geography and culture by looking at their individual families and those of classmates. They learn to use history as a way to inform the future. In economics, students develop a basic understanding of wants and needs. In grades third through fifth, students build upon their previous learning to develop an in-depth understanding of the diversity of communities and how they are connected geographically, politically, culturally, historically and economically. 


Rashkis students building their classroom community.

The North Carolina Social Studies Standards

2021 Social Studies Standards


Elementary Program Contact

Arrica DuBose
Executive Director of Curriculum & Instruction for Elementary Education and Federal Programs 
919-967-8211 x20508

Tammie Edidns
Director of Elementary Humanities
919-967-8211 x20525

Ker Htoo
Executive Assistant
919-967-8211 x20502