GoGuardian Overview
Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools is strengthening its commitment to assist teachers and families in managing their students’ digital classroom environments. We recently adopted an online management service known as GoGuardian for use with students’ Chromebooks in grades 2 through 12. GoGuardian is a service that will help keep our students safe, focused, and engaged when using digital tools at school and at home.
For full details, scroll down or visit our GoGuardian webpage, which includes answers to common questions.
Why are we using GoGuardian?
We chose to use the ‘GoGuardian Teacher’ and ‘GoGuardian Parent’ services to:
- Actively protect students against harmful and inappropriate online material.
- Help students engage more fully when learning online while attending in-person or remote/virtual classes.
- Help teachers guide students’ engagement while using digitally-supported classroom assignments and tools.
- Provide families a tool to monitor website activity on school-managed devices during school hours, filter additional websites, and pause internet use at home after school hours and on weekends.
- Facilitate communication and support between teachers and students during class time.
- Help our district IT team proactively monitor and analyze website usage to make informed decisions and improve online learning settings.
What is GoGuardian and when will it begin to operate?
GoGuardian’s web-based Teacher and Parent services will operate on district-managed student Chromebooks and/or when a student is signed into a Chrome browser with their Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools account using a personal device.
‘GoGuardian Teacher’ is a classroom management tool that allows teachers to view device website activity to ensure students are on-task, push and open web-based resources, content and tools, close tabs and pause screens to help students remain focused during lessons. Teachers only have access to their own classes and students between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00p.m. Monday through Friday during assigned class periods and after school tutoring.
'GoGuardian Teacher’ and CHCCS cannot remotely operate a student’s computer camera or microphone at any time. The use of GoGuardian is not a mandated requirement for all teachers so there may be some who will not use the service as we begin our launch.
The optional ‘GoGuardian Parent’ app helps keep parents and caregivers remain aware of their children's browsing activity, view student browsing (apps, extensions, documents, and websites visited), and the option to filter additional websites and pause the internet at home. Click here for directions on setting up your GoGuardian Parent app.
What training will be provided to staff, students and families?
We began training teachers earlier this month on how to operate GoGuardian Teacher and about our policies and procedures to help protect student privacy. This will be followed by an “Introduction to Students and Family” webinar training between the end of October and beginning of November (dates will be announced via district or school messages).
What are my parental/guardian and child’s responsibilities?
We ask that students use their school-managed Google devices and accounts for educational purposes within the boundaries of our district’s Technology Responsible Use Board Policy (3225/4312/7320). When a student is off campus, we hope that parents and caregivers are supervising internet access and usage of their devices whenever possible using the GoGuardian Parent App and/or other methods..
We also encourage you to discuss rules for appropriate internet use with your child, and reinforce lessons of digital citizenship and safety with them. As always, please report any potential cyberbullying or other sensitive issues to your child’s teacher, a school administrator and/or the school Instructional Technology Facilitator.
How does GoGuardian help protect my child’s privacy?
GoGuardian has consulted with privacy experts, participates in privacy organizations, is a proud signatory of the Student Privacy Pledge, and has been awarded certifications by iKeepSafe for complying with both Family Education Rights and Privacy Act and California student privacy laws. For more detailed information about GoGuardian, you may visit GoGuardian’s website, Trust & Privacy Center, GoGuardian’s Product Privacy Policy, and the COPPA Notice and Disclosure Notice. (English Only)
Thank you for partnering with our district to keep students safe, highly engaged, and focused on their educational goals. Again, for additional information, please visit our GoGuardian webpage.
Al McArthur, Director of Digital Learning and Libraries
Debby Atwater, Executive Director of Technology
Cher Parent ou Gardien,
Tandis que nous continuons à apprendre à propos des besoins d’apprentissage numérique de nos professeurs, de nos étudiant(e)s et de leurs familles, les Écoles des Villes de Chapel Hill et de Carrboro renforcent leur engagement d’assister les professeurs et les familles dans la gestion des environnements de classes virtuelles de leurs étudiant(e)s tout en maintenant nos étudiant(e)s en sécurité, concentrés et impliqués lorsqu’ils/elles utilisent des outils numériques, à l’école et à la maison. Pour toutes ces raisons, les Écoles des Villes de Chapel Hill et de Carrboro ont récemment adopté un service de gestion en ligne fourni par GoGuardian Professeur et Parent à utiliser avec les étudiant(e)s qui se servent d’un Chromebook entre les deuxième et douzième années.
Merci de vous associer à notre district pour maintenir les étudiant(e)s en sécurité, fortement engagés et concentrés sur leurs objectifs éducatifs. Veuillez visiter la page internet GoGuardian de notre district (https://www.chccs.org/Page/11047) pour les informations qui suivent et davantage à tout moment.
Pourquoi utilisons-nous GoGuardian ?
Nous avons choisi d’utiliser les services de GoGuardian Professeur et GoGuardian Parent pour :
- Protéger activement les étudiant(e)s contre les contenus en ligne nuisibles et inappropriés.
- Aider les étudiant(e)s à s’impliquer plus complètement dans l’apprentissage en ligne quand ils/elles assistent à des cours virtuels en personne ou à distance.
- Aider les professeurs à guider l’implication des étudiant(e)s lorsqu’ils/elles utilisent des travaux ou des outils soutenus numériquement.
- Faciliter la communication privée et le soutien entre les professeurs et les étudiant(e)s pendant les périodes de cours.
- Aider l’équipe informatique de notre district à proactivement surveiller et analyser l’utilisation des sites internet pour prendre des décisions éclairées et améliorer les paramètres de l’apprentissage numérique.
- Aider les familles à posséder un outil pour surveiller l’activité des sites internet sur les appareils gérés par l’école pendant les heures de cours, filtrer des sites internet additionnels et interrompre l’utilisation de l’internet à la maison après les heures d’école et le weekend.
Qu’est-ce que GoGuardian et quand commencera-t-il à être opérationnel ?
À partir d’octobre, les services en ligne de GoGuardian Professeur et Parent seront opérationnels sur les Chromebooks des étudiants gérés par le district et/ou quand un(e) étudiant(e) a ouvert une session sur le navigateur Chrome avec son compte des Écoles des Villes de Chapel Hill et de Carrboro quand il/elle utilise son propre ordinateur portable.
GoGuardian Teacher est un outil de gestion de salle de classe qui permet aux professeurs de voir l’activité des sites internet d’un appareil pour s’assurer que les étudiant(e)s sont au travail, pour promouvoir et ouvrir des ressources en ligne, du contenu et des outils, pour fermer des onglets et pour mettre les écrans en pause pour aider les étudiant(e)s à rester concentré(e)s pendant les cours. Les professeurs ont accès à leurs classes et étudiant(e)s seulement entre 7h30 et 17H, du lundi au vendredi et pendant les périodes de cours dont ils ont la charge.
Sachez que GoGuardian Professeur et le district ne peuvent opérer à distance une caméra ou un microphone à aucun moment. L’utilisation de GoGuardian n’est pas une exigence obligatoire, donc il se peut que certains d’entre eux n’utilisent pas le service au moment où nous entamerons le lancement.
L’application facultative GoGuardian Parent aide à maintenir les parents et gardiens au courant des activités de navigation de leur enfant, de voir le résumé des 5 pages de navigation de l’étudiant(e) les plus fréquentées au cours des 7, 14 et 30 derniers jours (applications, extensions, documents et sites internet visités) et offrent la possibilité de filtrer des sites internet additionnels et d’interrompre l’internet à la maison à n’importe quel moment entre 16h00 et 7h30, du lundi au vendredi pendant les périodes de cours assignées et après le tutorat scolaire.
Cliquez ici pour les instructions d’installation de votre application GoGuardian Parent.
Comment GoGuardian aide-t-il à protéger la vie privée de mon enfant ?
GoGuardian a consulté des experts en protection de la vie privée, fait partie d’organisations de protection de la vie privée, est fier d’être signataire de l’Engagement pour la Protection de la Vie Privée des Étudiants (Student Privacy Pledge) et a reçu des certifications de iKeepSafe pour sa conformité à la fois avec l’Acte pour la Protection de la Vie Privée et les Droits à l’Éducation de la Famille (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act) et les lois relatives à La Vie Privée des Étudiants de Californie. Pour de plus amples informations à propos de GoGuardian, vous pouvez visiter le site internet de GoGuardian, Le Centre pour la Confiance et la Vie Privée, la Politique en matière de Vie Privée du Produit de GoGuardian, la Notice COPPA et la Notice de Divulgation (en anglais seulement).
Al McArthur, Director of Digital Learning and Libraries
Debby Atwater, Executive Director of Technology
CHCCS GoGuardian 学区保護者への電子メールメッセージ
チャペルヒルカーボロシティスクールは、教師、生徒、家族のデジタル学習のニーズについて学び続ける中で、学校や家庭でデジタルツールを使用する時に、生徒の安全性と集中力を維持しながら、教師と家族が生徒のデジタル教室環境を管理できるよう支援する取り組みを強化しています。 これら全ての理由から、チャペルヒルカーボロシティスクールは最近、2年生から12年生のChromebookを使っている生徒と一緒に使用するために、GoGuardian Teacher andParentが提供するオンライン管理サービスを採用しました。
生徒を安全に保ち、沢山従事し、その教育目標に焦点を当てることに参加してくださりありがとうございます。この情報については、いつでも地区のGoGuardian Webページ(https://www.chccs.org/Page/11047)にアクセスしてください。
- 有害で不適切なオンライン資料に対して生徒を積極的に守る
- 対面やリモート/バーチャルクラスに参加しながらオンラインで学ぶ時に生徒がより完全に従事するのに役立つ
- デジタルサポートされている教室での課題とツールを使用しながら、生徒の関わりを教えるのを助ける
- 授業中に教師と生徒の間のプライベートなコミュニケーションとサポートを促進する
- 私たちの学区のITチームがウエッブサイトの使用を積極的に監視および分析するのを手伝って、情報に基づいた決定を下し、オンライン学習の設定を改善する
- 家族が学校の時間帯に学校が管理するデバイスでウェブサイトのアクティビティを監視し、追加のウェブサイトをフィルターし、放課後や週末に自宅でインターネットの使用を一時停止するツールを利用できるようにする
Goguardian Teacherは、生徒がタスク上にあることを確実にし、ウエッブベースのリソース、コンテンツ、ツール、クローズタブ、または一時停止スクリーンを保証するためのデバイスのウエッブサイトの活動を閲覧することを可能にする教室管理ツールです。 代替学習およびバーチャルラーニングアカデミープログラム内で割り当てられたクラスの時間中を含み、月曜日から金曜日の午前7時30分から午後5時00分。 Goguardian Teacherと学区が生徒のコンピュータのカメラやマイクをいかなる時でも遠隔操作できないことをお知らせします。 Goguardianの使用は全ての教師にとって必須の要件ではないので、私たちの立ち上げを始めた時にこのサービスを使用しない教師がいるかもしれません。
オプションのGoguardian Parentのアプリは、両親と保護者が子供の閲覧活動を認識しておくのを助け、生徒の閲覧のトップ5の概要を7日,14日、および30日(Apps、Extensions、Documents、およびWebサイト)で表示したり、また追加でフィルターする機能も表示します。 そして家でのインターネットを月曜日から金曜日の午後4:00から午前7:30の間と週末いつでも一時停止します。
GoGuardian Parentのアプリを設定する方法はこちらをクリックしてください.
Goguardianはプライバシー専門家に相談しており、プライバシー組織に参加しており生徒のプライバシー契約の誇り高い署名者であり、家族教育の権利とプライバシー行為とカリフォルニアの生徒のプライバシー法の両方を遵守するための iKeepSafeによる認証を授与されました。 Goguardianの詳細については、Goguardianの ウエッブサイト、Trust & Privacy Centerと COPPA Notice and Disclosure Notice (英語のみ)をご覧ください。
Al McArthur, Director of Digital Learning and Libraries
Debby Atwater, Executive Director of Technology
가장 밝은 부분
교사, 학생 및 가족의 디지털 학습 요구 사항에 대해 계속 학습함에 따라 Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools는 교사와 가족이 학생의 디지털 교실 환경을 관리하는 동시에 학교와 집에서 디지털 도구를 사용할때 학생들을 안전하고 집중적으로 관리할 수 있도록 지원하겠다는 약속을 강화하고 있습니다. 이러한 모든 이유로 Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools는 최근 2학년에서 12학년까지 Chromebook을 사용하는 학생들을 관리할 수 있기 위해 선생과 학부모가 사용할 수 있게 GoGuardian에서 제공하는 온라인 관리 서비스를 채택했습니다.
학생들이 안전하고 높은 참여도를 유지하여 교육 목표에 집중할 수 있도록 교육구와 협력해 주셔서 감사합니다. 이 정보 및 기타 정보는 언제든지 우리 학군의 GoGuardian 웹페이지 (https://www.chccs.org/Page/11047)를 방문하십시오.
GoGuardian을 사용하는 이유는 무엇입니까?
GoGuardian 선생 및 GoGuardian 부모 서비스를 사용하여 다음을 수행하기로 결정했습니다:
- 유해하고 부적절한 온라인 자료로부터 학생을 적극적으로 보호
- 직접 또는 원격/가상 수업에 참석하는 동안 온라인 학습시 학생들의 참여도를 높이십시오
- 디지털 지원 교실 과제 및 도구를 사용하면서 교사가 학생의 참여를 유도할 수 있도록 지원
- 수업 시간 동안 교사와 학생간의 사적인 의사 소통 및 지원 촉진
- 학군 IT 팀이 웹사이트 사용을 사전에 모니터링 및 분석하여 정보에 입각한 결정을 내리고 온라인 학습 설정을 개선할 수 있도록 지원
- 방과 후 및 주말에 가정에서 학교 관리 장치에서 웹 사이트 활동을 모니터링하고 추가 웹 사이트를 필터링하고 집에서 인터넷 사용을 일시 중지 할 수 있는 도구를 가질 수 있도록 도와줍니다.
GoGuardian은 무엇이며 언제부터 작동하나요?
10월부터 GoGuardian의 웹 기반 교사 및 학부모 서비스는 학군 관리 학생 Chromebook 및/또는 학생이 개인 노트북을 사용하여 Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools 계정으로 Chrome 브라우저에 로그인할때 작동합니다.
GoGuardian 선생은 교사가 장치 웹사이트 활동을 확인하여 학생들이 과제를 수행하고 있는지 확인하고, 웹 기반 리소스, 콘텐츠 및 도구를 푸시 및 열기, 탭을 닫고 화면을 일시 중지하여 학생들이 수업 중에 집중할 수 있도록하는 교실 관리 도구입니다. 교사 전용 대안 학습 준비 및 가상 학습 아카데미 프로그램을 포함하여 지정된 수업 시간 동안 월요일부터 금요일까지 오전 7시 30분에서 오후 5시 45분 사이에 수업과 학생들의 컴퓨터에 접속할 수 있습니다. GoGuardian 교사와 학군은 언제든지 학생의 컴퓨터 카메라나 마이크를 원격으로 조작 할 수 없음을 유의하십시오. GoGuardian의 사용은 모든 교사에게 필수 요구 사항이 아니므로 출시를 시작할때 서비스를 사용하지 않을 일부 교사가 있을 수 있습니다.
선택 사항인 GoGuardian 부모 앱을 사용하면 부모와 보호자가 자녀의 검색 활동을 계속 인지하고 7, 14 및 30일 동안 학생 검색에 대한 상위 5개 요약 보기 (방문한 앱, 확장 프로그램, 문서 및 웹사이트)를 볼 수 있으며 추가 필터링 기능, 월-금요일 오후 4시 00분 ~ 오전 7시 30분, 주말 종일 집에서 인터넷을 일시 중지할 수 있습니다.
GoGuardian 부모앱 설정에 대한 지침을 보려면 여기를 클릭하십시오
GoGuardian은 내 자녀의 개인 정보를 보호하는데 어떻게 도움이 됩니까?
GoGuardian은 개인 정보 보호 전문가와 상의하고 개인정보 보호 기관에 참여하며 학생 개인 정보 보호 서약의 자랑스러운 서명자이며 가족 교육 권리 및 개인 정보 보호법과 캘리포니아 학생 개인 정보 보호법을 모두 준수하여 iKeepSafe로부터 인증을 받았습니다. GoGuardian에 대한 자세한 내용은, GoGuardian 웹사이트, 신뢰 및 개인정보 보호 센터, GoGuardian 제품 개인정보 보호 정책, COPPA 고지 및 공개 고지를 참조하세요. (영어로만 제공)
Al McArthur, 디지털 학습 및 도서관 이사
Debby Atwater, 기술 이사
随着我们继续了解教师、学生和家庭的数字学习需求,Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools 正在加强我们的承诺,即协助各位教师和家庭管理学生的数字课堂环境,同时确保学生在学校和家里使用数字工具时能够保持安全、专注和参与。 出于所有这些原因,Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools 最近采用了 GoGuardian 为 2 至 12 年级使用 Chromebook 学生的教师和家长提供了在线管理服务。
感谢您与我们学区合作,以确保学生安全、高度参与并专注于他们的教育目标。请随时访问我们学区的 GoGuardian 网页(https://www.chccs.org/Page/11047)解更多信息。
我们为什么要使用 GoGuardian?
我们选择使用 GoGuardian Teacher 和 GoGuardian Parent以便提供以下服务:
- 积极保护学生免受有害和不适当的在线材料的侵害
- 帮助学生在线学习时更充分地参与,无论是亲自参加课程或远程/虚拟参加课程
- 帮助教师在使用数字支持的课堂作业和工具时指导学生的参与
- 促进课堂上师生之间的私人交流和支持
- 帮助我们的学区 IT 团队主动监控和分析网站的使用情况,以做出明智的决策并改进在线学习的设置
- 帮助家庭拥有一个工具,可以在上课时间监控学校管理设备上的网站活动,过滤其它网站,并在放学后和周末在家暂停互联网的使用。
什么是 GoGuardian,什么时候开始运营?
从 10 月开始,GoGuardian 基于网络的教师和家长服务将在学区管理的学生 Chromebook 和/或当学生使用个人笔记本电脑使用其 Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools 帐户登录 Chrome 浏览器时运行。
GoGuardian Teacher 是一种课堂管理工具,允许教师查看设备网站活动以确保学生完成任务、推送和打开基于网络的资源、内容和工具、关闭选项卡和暂停屏幕以帮助学生在课程中保持专注。仅限教师可以在周一至周五的上午 7:30 至下午 4:00 之间访问他们的课程和学生,在指定的课程期间,包括在替代学习安排和虚拟学习学院计划中的课程。请注意,GoGuardian 教师和学区在任何时候都无法远程操作学生的电脑摄像头或麦克风。并非所有教师都必须使用 GoGuardian,因此在我们开始发布时,可能有些教师不会使用该服务。
可选的 GoGuardian Parent 应用程序有助于让父母和看护人了解他们孩子的浏览活动,查看学生浏览的前 5 个摘要 7、14 和 30 天视图(应用程序、扩展程序、文档和访问的网站),并能够过滤其它网站并在周一至周五下午 5:45 至早上 7:30 之间以及周末全天随时在家暂停互联网。
Click here for directions on setting up your GoGuardian Parent app.
GoGuardian 如何帮助保护我孩子的隐私?
GoGuardian 咨询了隐私专家,参与了隐私组织,是Student Privacy Pledge的自豪签署者,并获得了iKeepSafe的认证,以遵守家庭教育权利和隐私法以及加州学生隐私法。有关 GoGuardian 的更多详细信息,您可以访问 GoGuardian 的website、Trust & Privacy Center、GoGuardian 的Product Privacy Policy以及 COPPA Notice and Disclosure Notice.。 (仅限英语)
Al McArthur, Director of Digital Learning and Libraries
Debby Atwater, Executive Director of Technology
Prezados Pais ou Cuidadores, :
Na continuidade de sabermos mais sobre a necessidade de aprendizagem digital de nossos professores, alunos e famílias, as Escolas Municipais de Chapel Hill-Carrboro estão fortalecendo o compromisso para auxiliar os professores e as famílias em gerenciar os ambientes de salas de aulas digitais dos alunos enquanto os mantemos seguros, concentrados e envolvidos ao usar os nossos recursos digitais na escola e em casa. Por todas estas razões, as Escolas Municipais de Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools incorporaram um serviço de gerenciamento online fornecido pelo GoGuardian Teacher and Parents para uso com os alunos enquanto utilizam os Chromebooks nas séries de 2a. À 12a.
Obrigada por esta parceria com o nosso distrito para manter os nossos alunos seguros, envolvidos, e concentrados nas metas educacionais. Por favor, visite a página web do Go Guardian de nosso distrito a qualquer hora no link https://www.chccs.org/Page/11047 para mais informações.
Por que usamos o GoGuardian?
Escolhemos usar os serviços do GoGuardian Teacher e o GoGuardian Parent para:
- Proteger os alunos ativamente contra material online danoso ou inapropriado
- Ajudar os alunos a envolverem-se completamente na aprendizagem online enquanto participam de aulas presenciais ou remotamente/aulas virtuais
- Ajudar os professores a direcionarem o envolvimento dos alunos enquanto usam tarefas e recursos com suporte digital na sala de aula
- Facilitar a comunicação particular e o apoio entre professores e alunos durante o período de aula
- Ajudar a nossa equipe distrital de IT a monitorar e analisar o uso de websites pro-ativamente a fim de tomar decisões com base em informações, e melhorar a configuração da aprendizagem online.
- Ajudar as famílias a terem um recurso para monitorar as atividades de websites nos dispositivos gerenciados pela escola durante o horário escolar, filtrar websites adicionais, e pausar o uso da internet em casa depois do horário escolar e em finais de semana.
O que é o GoGuardian e quando começará a funcionar?
No começo de outubro, os serviços GoGuardian’s Teacher and Parent com base web começarão a funcionar nos Chromebooks gerenciados pelo distrito dos alunos e/ou quando um aluno estiver acessado à um navegador Chrome de uma conta das Escolas Municipais de Chapel Hill-Carrboro ao usar um laptop pessoal. .
O GoGuardian Teacher é um recurso de gerenciamento na sala de aula que permite aos professores a visualização da atividade de website do dispositivo assegurando que os alunos estejam na tarefa em si, conduzir e abrir recursos com base web, conteúdo e ferramentas, fechar abas e pausar telas para auxiliar os alunos a manterem-se concentrados durante as lições. Os professores só têm acesso às suas próprias aulas e aos alunos entre as 7h30 e as 1600, de segunda a sexta-feira, durante os períodos de aula designados e depois das aulas de reforço escolar.
. Saliento que o GoGuardian Teacher e o distrito não podem, em nenhum momento, operar remotamente a câmera ou microfone do computador de um aluno. O uso do GoGuardian não é um requerimento para todos os professores, sendo assim, alguns deles podem não usá-lo quando lançado.
O aplicativo opcional GoGuardian Parent auxilia os pais e cuidadores a ficarem alertas sobre a atividade de navegação de seus(uas) filhos(as), visualizar o resumo do 5 mais utilizados com opções de 7, 14 e 30 dias de navegação do aluno (aplicativos, extensões, documentos, e websites visitados), e a habilidade de filtrar websites adicionais e pausar a internet em casa entre 17:45h-7:30h de segunda à sexta, e o dia todo em finais de semana.
Clique aqui para instruções em como configurar o aplicativo GoGuardian Parent.
Como o GoGuardian irá proteger a privacidade do(a) meu(inha) filho(a)?
O GoGuardian tem consultado especialistas em privacidade, participa de organizações de privacidade, é um signatário honrado da Student Privacy Pledge, e tem recebido certificações pelo iKeepSafe por cumprir com as leis de privacidade do aluno de ambos Family Education Rights and Privacy Act e as leis de privacidade estudantil da California. Para informações mais detalhadas sobre o GoGuardian, visite o website do GoGuardian, o Centro de Confiança&Privacidade, a Política de Privacidade de Produto do GoGuardian e o Aviso COPPA e Aviso de Divulgação . (somente em inglês)
Al McArthur, Diretor de Aprendizagem Digital e Bibliotecas
Debby Atwater, Diretor Executivo de Tecnologia
Estimado padre / madre/ tutor:
A medida que continuamos aprendiendo sobre las necesidades de aprendizaje digital de nuestros maestros, estudiantes y familias, las Escuelas de las Ciudades de Chapel Hill y Carrboro fortalecen nuestro compromiso de ayudar a los maestros y las familias a administrar los entornos de las aulas digitales de sus estudiantes y, al mismo tiempo, mantener a nuestros estudiantes seguros, enfocados y comprometidos cuando usan las herramientas digitales en la escuela y en el hogar. Por todas estas razones, recientemente las escuelas de Chapel Hill y Carrboro adoptaron un servicio de administración en línea proporcionado por el maestro y padre de GoGuardian para su uso con los estudiantes que usan Chromebooks en los grados 2 al 12.
Gracias por asociarse con nuestro distrito para mantener a los estudiantes seguros, altamente comprometidos y enfocados en sus metas educativas. Visite la página web GoGuardian de nuestro distrito (https://www.chccs.org/Page/11047) para revisar esta información y más en cualquier momento.
¿Por qué usamos GoGuardian?
Elegimos utilizar los servicios de GoGuardian para maestros y GoGuardian para padres para:
- Proteger a los estudiantes contra el material en línea dañino e inapropiado.
- Ayudar a los estudiantes a participar en el aprendizaje en línea más plenamente, mientras asisten a clases presenciales o a distancia / virtuales
- Ayudar a los maestros a orientar la participación de los estudiantes, mientras usan tareas y herramientas de clase con apoyo digital
- Facilitar la comunicación privada y el apoyo entre maestros y estudiantes durante el tiempo de clase.
- Ayudar a nuestro equipo de tecnología del distrito a hacer seguimiento y analizar el uso de los sitios web, para tomar decisiones informadas y mejorar la configuración del aprendizaje en línea
- Ayudar a las familias a tener una herramienta para hacer seguimiento a la actividad en los sitios web en los dispositivos administrados por la escuela durante el horario escolar, filtrar sitios web adicionales y poner en pausa el uso de Internet en el hogar después del horario escolar y los fines de semana.
¿Qué es GoGuardian y cuándo comenzará a funcionar?
A partir de octubre, los servicios web para maestros y padres de GoGuardian operarán en los Chromebooks estudiantiles administrados por el distrito y / o cuando un estudiante inicie la sesión en un navegador Chrome con su cuenta de las Escuelas de las Ciudades de Chapel Hill y Carrboro en una computadora portátil personal.
GoGuardian para maestros es una herramienta de administración del aula que le permite a los maestros ver la actividad de los sitios web del dispositivo para asegurarse que los estudiantes estén concentrados en la tarea; enviar y abrir recursos, contenido y herramientas basadas en la web; cerrar pestañas y poner en pausa pantallas para ayudar a los estudiantes a mantenerse concentrados durante las lecciones. Los maestros solo tienen acceso a sus propias clases y a los estudiantes entre las 7:30 a. m. y las 4:00 p. m. de lunes a viernes durante los períodos de clase asignados y tutoría después de la escuela.
Tenga en cuenta GoGuardian y el distrito no pueden operar a distancia la cámara o el micrófono de la computadora de un estudiante en ningún momento. Los maestros no están obligados a usar GoGuardian, por lo que puede haber algunos que no utilicen el servicio al hacer nuestro lanzamiento.
La aplicación GoGuardian para padres opcional ayuda a mantener a los padres y tutores al tanto de la actividad de navegación de internet de sus hijos. Los padres pueden ver el resumen de las 5 vistas principales de los estudiantes de 7, 14 y 30 días (aplicaciones, extensiones, documentos y sitios web visitados) y tiene la posibilidad de filtrar más sitios web y poner en pausa Internet en casa en cualquier momento entre las 5:45 p.m. y las 7:30 a.m. de lunes a viernes y durante todo el día los fines de semana.
Haga clic aquí para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo configurar su aplicación GoGuardian para padres.
¿Cómo GoGuardian ayuda a proteger la privacidad de mi hijo(a)?
GoGuardian ha consultado con expertos en privacidad, participa en organizaciones de privacidad, es un orgulloso signatario del Compromiso de Privacidad del Estudiante y ha recibido certificaciones de iKeepSafe por cumplir con la Ley de Privacidad y Derechos Educativos de la Familia y las leyes de privacidad de los estudiantes de California. Para obtener información más detallada sobre GoGuardian, puede visitar el sitio web de GoGuardian, el Centro de Confianza y Privacidad, la Política de Privacidad de Productos de GoGuardian y el Aviso COPPA y el Aviso de Divulgación. (Sólo en inglés)
Al McArthur, Director de Aprendizaje Digital y Bibliotecas
Debby Atwater, Directora Ejecutivo de Tecnología
Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I access the parent app the first time?
- How do Teachers use GoGuardian?
- DO ALL teachers have access to ALL students?
- What is GoGuardian’s policy for privacy?
- Is GoGuardian being used when my child uses their CHCCS Google login on a home computer/laptop?
- Does GoGuardian have access to my WiFi settings at home?
- Are parents able to see the current list of filters/blocks put in place by the school district when GoGuardian is activated?
- Can a teacher or administrator turn on a student’s camera or microphone?
- Does GoGuardian allow for video conferencing or chat of any type?
- Do teachers/administrators monitor students after school hours and weekends?
How do I access the parent app the first time?
Please follow the below instructions or access our Parent App Direction page.
- Download the app
- iPhone: Visit App Store, search for GoGuardian Parent, and tap the download button.
- Android: Visit Google Play Store, search for GoGuardian Parent, and tap the download button.
- After the app is successfully downloaded and installed, open it up and enter the email address registered with the school. Note: If you forgot your registered email address, please reach out to your school data manager. If the email address still does not work, complete this form for each child.
- Login/Check Email: Check your email on your phone for a link to log in to the app. Tap the "Verify your email" button, and it will take you straight to the app. Note: If you don't have access to your email through the device you used to log in, tap on "Login with verification code", and copy and paste the verification code from the email into the app.
How do Teachers use GoGuardian?
GoGuardian Teacher is a classroom management tool for Chromebooks that allows teachers to see what is on the screen of every student in their classroom. They can see the active tab the student is currently looking at, as well as any other open tabs in the browser. Teachers can close tabs for students, send messages to students, and lock student screens. Students cannot message other students through GoGuardian, only the teacher.
DO ALL teachers have access to ALL students?
What is GoGuardian’s policy for privacy?
Please see the information here from GoGuardian: GoGuardian Privacy Information
Is GoGuardian being used when my child uses their CHCCS Google login on a home computer/laptop?
Does GoGuardian have access to my WiFi settings at home?
Are parents able to see the current list of filters/blocks put in place by the school district when GoGuardian is activated?
Can a teacher or administrator turn on a student’s camera or microphone?
Absolutely not! GoGuardian does not have the ability to access a Chromebook camera or microphone. During classroom sessions set by the teacher (only active from 7:30-5:30), a teacher can view any active tabs that are in use by the student. The teacher is not viewing through the camera, but is viewing the student’s computer screen. Additionally, a teacher cannot create any type of session outside of the designated school hours.