Quick Facts about the CHCCS Digital Learning and Library Program
- Our CHCCS school libraries collectively circulate an average of 38,000 books and other resources each month (based on data from October 2019).
- All Kindergarten through 2nd grade students have access to iPads or Chromebooks to use at school.
- Each 3rd through 5th grade student has access to an assigned Chromebook to use at school.
- Each 6th through 12th grade student has access to an assigned Chromebook to use at school and home.
- Every teacher, instructional support staff member, and administrator are required to engage in 20 hours of professional learning every 5 years focusing on the North Carolina Digital Learning Compentencies.
- Students and teachers have access to several district or state provided digital resources to use within instruction.
The foundational beliefs supporting the Instructional Technology & Library program include:
- Instruction should be engaging and relevant for all students
- Students must have global access to information and materials
- Learning is a collaborative process
- Educational opportunities are not confined by the schoolhouse walls
- Access to technology and books must be equitable for all students
- Teachers should model the meaningful use of technology through the students' learning experiences
Department Contact
Al McArthur
Director of Digital Learning & Library Services
919-967-8211 x 28313