CHHS FBLA Students at state competition
Summer Internship at Lenovo
Firefighting Students Train in Full Turnout Gear
National Technical Honor Society Induction at CHHS
Life Flight visit enhances EMT instruction at CHHS
Firefighting Student Using the Jaws of Life
8th Grade Field Trip to explore CTE programs in high school
8th Grade Field Trip to explore CTE programs in high school
8th Grade Field Trip to explore CTE programs in high school
8th Grade Field Trip to explore CTE programs in high school
8th Grade Field Trip to explore CTE programs in high school
8th Grade Field Trip to explore CTE programs in high school
8th Grade Field Trip to Explore CTE Programs in High School
NCSU Rocketry Team Visits ECHHS
Accepting Ambulance Donation from South Orange Rescue Squad
UTI Staff Speaking to CHHS Students
2023 Students Practice Skills in Class
Visiting GE Aviation
CHCCS High School Students participated in CTE Summer Careers Academy.
Campers travel to the Chapel Hill Fire training station to learn additional skills of the trade.
EMT students in the classroom at CHHS
Students of all ages enjoyed the Biomed hands-on activities at the Black STEM Fair
PMS FCS students created cookie jars for family gifts.
Food and Nutrition students from East have time at BlueJay Bistro
CHHS EMT students enjoyed a visit from their Tiger!
Mr. Smith's Automation and Robotics classes at Smith Middle School finished their last build of Lesson 1. Students "raced" their designs - What fun!
Students in the Adobe class earn Industry Credentials and the certificates on the wall continues to grow all year.
The CHHS Automotive students earn their NASCAR pit crew license and ensure our #12 car runs well during the race at Wake County Speedway on Friday nights.
Camp Ignite is offered to females in our district to raise awareness of great careers in firefighting which can start right out of high school!
Life Flight visits the Public Safety Academy students at CHHS.
The egg drop activity - Students testing the specs of their protective package before the drop is made.
Students getting hands-on experience in the trade industry with the Be Pro Be Proud stations
STEM Space Camp at PMS 2023
SkillsUSA members from across the district participated in multiple competitive event at NC SkillsUSA State Competitions. We had several students place within their competitions. Several students are now heading to SkillsUSA Nationals in Atlanta, Georgia to compete for a National title.
DECA members from ECHHS competed at the 2024 NC DECA Conference in Greensboro. Several students placed within their competitive events.
CHS DECA members competed at the 2024 NC DECA State Conference in Greensboro, NC.
Construction Trades Activities
Firefighting Lesson on Hoses
Biomed Students Working on Space Travel
EMT Students Run Scenarios
Welcome to Career and Technical Education
Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses offer a competitive advantage for students with our amazing project-based classes, industry credentials, internships, clubs, and more.
Check out our twelve CTE program areas here. We believe every scholar needs a skill and CTE helps our students unlock their passion as they explore career options that match their lifestyle dreams. Here is one of our latest publications in the Chapel Hill Magazine highlighting our CTE Program:
Click HERE to access our English version.
Click HERE to access our Spanish version.
Why YOU should ENROLL in a CTE Course?
Did you know . . .
- You can earn college credits tuition free while in high school through Career and College Promise
- Our automotive students work on a race car and have a NASCAR pit crew license
- Our public safety academy has its own fire truck and ambulance
- You can earn college credits while taking high school CTE courses through the CTE High School Articulation Agreement
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