Proficiency Placements
Curriculum standards at the high school level are written by proficiency level, rather than grade level. This allows students to enroll at different stages of the high school experience, and to enroll in appropriately challenging courses. Beginning level courses, with no prerequisites, are offered in chorus, theatre, dance, visual art, and ceramics. Band and orchestra require prior experience. All of the music programs have an audition process in place, allowing students with appropriate skills to place into more advanced ensembles. Dance, theatre, and visual art also have processes in place for proficiency placement.
Am I Ready?
Almost all rising 9th graders that place into Intermediate level courses rather than Beginning courses, have six semesters or the equivalent in a single arts discipline in middle school. In addition, they demonstrate significant knowledge and skills in the arts through an audition or portfolio review.
See the arts pathways document for more information.