Anonymous TipLine
Please use the form below to report bullying, harassment, abuse, drug issues or safety concerns about your own life or the life of another person (e.g., suicide, self-injury, potential acts of violence). The information you provide will be emailed to appropriate school staff who will be able to follow-up DURING SCHOOL HOURS.
If you or someone you know is in IMMEDIATE DANGER, CALL 911
Note: This system is completely CONFIDENTIAL and ANONYMOUS. However, providing your name and contact information is very helpful.
Say Something (6-12)
Say Something Tip Line (6-12)
CHCCS has adopted the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System to provide another layer of support for school safety. This system allows individuals to anonymously report this information through a telephone crisis hotline, website or mobile app. For phone access call 1-844-5-SAYNOW or go to or click on the graphic below.
Click the logo above to report a tip.
Say Something Anonymous Reporting System Parent Guide
Say Something Anonymous Reporting System Parent Guide - Spanish
Say Something Anonymous Reporting System Parent Guide
Say Something anonymous reporting guide for parents.
Say Something Anonymous Reporting System Parent Guide - Spanish
Say Something anonymous reporting guide for parents in the spanish language.
If you or someone you know is in IMMEDIATE DANGER, please CALL 911