• Scholarships

    Our listing of scholarships can be found HERE.


Scholarship Search Best Practices


    Undocumented students should see their school counselor to further discuss financial aid options.

    Be sure to complete the FAFSA!!! 


    #1:  Utilize our CHS Scholarship Listing. 

    Information on scholarships we consider most relevant for CHS students, organized chronologically by deadline.

    #2:  Look carefully at scholarship information on the websites of schools to which you are applying.

    Usually, in the Admissions (Prospective/Future Student) sections of the schools' websites, there will be a section specific to Financial Aid or Scholarships. Make sure you fill out any separate applications for scholarships for which you're eligible (although, many schools do not have a separate application and base everything off of your college admission application). We do not advertise many school-specific scholarships in our publications.

    #3:  Utilize other scholarship search engines and listings.

    There are tons of legitimate sites out there, and we don't endorse one in particular over the others.  We recommend that you try as many as you have time to try, and, because many sites will have duplicated, similar results, stick with the one or two or more sites whose organization, layout, and results suit you best.  And, remember, you should not be required to pay for financial aid information.

    The district maintains its own scholarship listing.

    You can Google search for scholarship sites on your own, but sites students have found helpful in the past include the Department of Labor search, the grant and scholarship searches at the bottom of this CFNC page, College Board's own Scholarship SearchFastweb.comPeterson'sScholarships.comstudentscholarships.orgscholarshipexperts.comChegg.com (formerly Zinch), Cappex's Scholarship SearchUnigo, and more.

    There are also apps available, such as Scholly.  When looking at apps, if applicable, definitely download and try Minorities to Majorities - a brand new app from a Duke graduate student which specifically targets ethnic/racial minority, female, gender minority, and undocumented/international students.  In addition to scholarships, this app links to business and leadership opportunities.

    Raise.me is an awesome tool which students can begin to use as early as the 9th grade to explore and work toward earning scholarships, and it introduces microscholarships. Link to CHS @ www.raise.me/join/8510784497.


    Financial Aid via Military Service

    You may be able to get money for college based on your or your family members' military service.


    Resume Tools