In an effort to create schools that are responsive to the needs of its students, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools utilize a form of governance called Site-Based Management. The
concept allows those closest to the school, such as the faculty, parents, staff and students, to participate in making educational decisions about their school. The primary structure for making those decisions is the School Improvement Team (SIT)The SIT is responsible for the following:
- setting policies, goals and standards at the school level
- developing the School Improvement Plan which identifies the goals of the school for the subsequent one to three years
- adopting the school budget
- issuing the annual school report
The Morris Grove SIT is composed of five parents, five staff members and the principal. Elected members serve a two year term and attend monthly meetings. All meetings are open to the public.
Specific information for our SIP can be found on the Indistar website
To view our SIP, a login is required. The username and password are both GuestS17010