What is the School Improvement Team (SIT)?
The School Improvement Team serves as an advisory body to the principal in developing, reviewing, and implementing the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and is dedicated to the improving the educational experiences and outcomes for all students. SIT differs from a schools's Parent Teacher Associaation (PTA) in that the PTA is open to the school community for general membership, goverened by parents and works to support goals created by the school (largely through fundraising efforts). SIT is an elected school committee that is required by NC State law and is made up of school administrators, teachers, staff, parents/legal guardians and students (in the middle and high schools). Elected members serve on the committee in two-year terms and participate in the monthly meetings which are usually one hour. SIT should represent the diversity of the school and community to help ensure their work is reflective of various perspectives when making decisions.
What is the School Improvement Plan (SIP)?
Each school in CHCCS has a School Improvement Team (SIT), the purpose of which is to develop a School Improvement Plan (SIP) to strengthen student performance. SITs may address issues directly or indirectly related to instruction, student performance, and the school environment. For more information on SIPs, please visit the CHCCS website.
School Improvement Plan for McDougle Elementary can be found by accessing Indistar (Indistar.org).
The credentials for accessing Indistar are:
Username - GuestS15429Password - GuestS15429Where can I learn more about McDougle's SIT team members, meetings agendas and current initiatives?Please visit the MES SIT site for this information and more. You may contact the SIT parent representatives using this email address: mes-sit-parents@chccs.k12.nc.us